View Full Version : We have a Screamer

03-12-2011, 06:32 AM
Our little Holly has gone from an absolute angel into a "demon" child....

She recently had her first clutch of eggs (she is a solo-lovie, so not fertile), allowed her to sit with them for around 25 days and then removed them from her cage. I have moved everything about and taken away her favourite toys and added new ones in an effort to make her a little "uncomfortable" so she isn't happy to just start laying again, as was suggested to me by Linda.

Now Holly won't stop SCREAMING. There are a few moments of peace and then she just goes for it, she doesn't stop literally screaming for 10-15 minutes at a time.

She was never ever like this before. She was always a little vocal every now and then but never this high pitched screaming like we have now. It was always little melodic sounds and tunes, more gurgling sounds than anything.

We have tried the faithful "ignoring" her when she goes on her "rants", as we don't want to encourage her by "rewarding" her behaviour with giving her any kind of attention... but it really isn't helping, and we are at our absolute wits end with her.

What could have triggered this, and how do I get her to stop?

03-12-2011, 08:38 AM
She wasn't done with her eggs when you removed them is the first thought that comes to my mind. Usually, I wait 25 days after the last egg has been laid, unless she gives up on the clutch sooner.

She may also be upset because you took away her favorite toys. Try trading out what you put in for one or two that you took away. Is the cage in the same place or did you move it? If you moved it, she may also not like the new location.

One thing for sure is that Holly is upset about something. Problem is finding out what caused the behavior change. She's a hen so it can be tricky.

03-12-2011, 09:16 AM
I actually thought I was supposed to wait for her to abandon them and then reread your post, it was around 30 days that I actually took them away from her.

Will trying giving her some of her favourite things back. Didn't move her cage just changed it's contents, may have pushed her a little too far... She doesn't usually take well to new things, but has been playing with the new stuff so didn't think she had a problem with them, but probably totally wrong.

She has become rather attached to a bell I left (which was part of her "original" things), she sits by it almost all the time, very snuggled. So maybe she is missing her old things. Hope the return of her old things helps. Will keep you updated.

Thanks Linda.

03-12-2011, 09:37 AM
I actually thought I was supposed to wait for her to abandon them and then reread your post, it was around 30 days that I actually took them away from her.
Some single hens will sit on their infertile eggs for long periods of time before they abandon them. Most give up at between days 25-30 after the last egg was laid. With birds, sometimes it's hard to figure out just how to handle the situation so it becomes trial and error. Trust me. I've learned a lot through "errors"!!

03-12-2011, 11:14 AM
Gizmo is a hen by hereself and she is very protective of her toys and her cage, if i move anything around or even when i clean her cage she creates like you have never heard, i usually have to get her out and give her a cuddle but i usually get a few nasty little bites aswell when she is upset, the other day i moved her favorite perch and she screamed at me for ages so i had to move it back and then she shut up

03-12-2011, 11:44 AM
the other day i moved her favorite perch and she screamed at me for ages so i had to move it back and then she shut up
She sure knows how to get your attention, that's for sure!!! Each bird is different so, again, it's trial and error.........:whistle:

03-12-2011, 12:58 PM
yes she is a little madam and she knows it, she is harder work than kermit my conure

03-13-2011, 04:08 AM
Gave her everything back yesterday afternoon, and she was absolutely fine...

Now this morning she has gone off her rocker again :(

03-16-2011, 02:29 PM
Just an update, she has completely settled down. Think it just took her a little time to realise that the old stuff was really the old stuff!

So she is a happy little camper again, and the sweetest little angel. Ahhh... peace :)

03-16-2011, 02:40 PM
So much for re-arranging her cage and moving her "stuff"!! :omg: Glad your ear drums are getting a bit of peace and quiet!

03-16-2011, 03:08 PM
I learnt not to move anything around i prefer to have my ear drums intact because if giz starts screaming kermit joins in and then ollie and is ollie loud or what

03-17-2011, 04:08 PM
your just lucky shes not a sun conure!