View Full Version : Flightsuit

03-24-2011, 07:38 AM
Hi all,

I just bought a flightsuit for Ziggy. And I tried to put him in it and it's obviously too big but it's a x-small size and it fits most lovebirds. So I was wondering if Ziggy is still a baby and not fully growth yet.

He don't really like to be in the flightsuit though. The reason why I put on flightsuit for him is because I want to let me roam around in my room without worrying about where the poops land.

Anyone have experience with flightsuit?

03-24-2011, 08:07 AM
Most birds don't like flight suits, and I, personally, am not a big fan of them.

You might consider a different option. Many birds can be potty trained so they will only eliminate in a certain area. Several of our members have lovies that do this and I don't think it's terribly hard to do. Might be a better option than trying to get your lovebird to wear something he doesn't like and may not be willing to get used to. :)

Pips mom
03-24-2011, 09:18 AM
Yeah...I bought a flight suit for Ivy and she wants nothing to do with it. You spend all that money on something....better have a pretty agreeable bird for a flight suit, or it's just a waste of money!

03-24-2011, 02:51 PM
Mine have accidents but before i let them out i tell them push push and when they poop i give them a treat and let them out..now if i change water or put in food or do anything that lifts thier front door they poop thinking they are comeing out lol.

Sapphire is big enough and a velcro bird and allows me to manipulate her winges turn her upside down etc so was thinking she be good for a flight suit so i can take her with me on walks..but we see :)

03-24-2011, 03:05 PM
I think those small travel/carrier cages for birds would be ideal to use to take your fid for a walk, or in the car for a drive. You might be able to use a foldable shopping cart to put the carrier cage in, and push it down the street, or get one of those jogging strollers I see people using for small children and put the cage in it. I have seen several fid owners with their fids in the park letting them fly all over the place. They are so well trained they come right back on command. Somehow, I doubt if I could ever achieve that level of discipline with any of my birds. They are completely spoiled and have only one way to deal with anything in life . . . and that is THEIR WAY! :rotfl

03-25-2011, 12:51 AM
I wanted to get a stroller to push Mika in his travel cage around our neighborhood!!!!!!! The bf put his foot down and drew the "spoiling" line at a stroller. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

03-25-2011, 10:13 AM
Mine have accidents but before i let them out i tell them push push and when they poop i give them a treat and let them out..now if i change water or put in food or do anything that lifts thier front door they poop thinking they are comeing out lol.

Sapphire is big enough and a velcro bird and allows me to manipulate her winges turn her upside down etc so was thinking she be good for a flight suit so i can take her with me on walks..but we see :)

Sapphire is big enough, how big is she or he? How old is considered full growth?

03-25-2011, 02:22 PM
Well, I guess the bf "spoiled" your plan! :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

03-25-2011, 02:35 PM
If I'm not mistaken, Sapphire is an Indian Ringneck - much, much bigger than a lovebird.

There is someone on e-Bay who is currently designing and creating a flight harness (not suit) for lovebirds so I'm waiting to see it! Someone I know on another forum bought one and she really likes it! I would love to be able to take Mika out on our neighborhood walks with a harness!! :happy:

03-25-2011, 03:44 PM
correct sapphire is an indian ringed neck parakeet tail to beak about a foot long toe to head about 7 inches tall she weighs 215 grams lol so yes big bird so able to do the flight harness thing :) gonna be my next purchase.
Hey maya just tell the bf your practiceing for the baby when he gets over his shock he weill be glad your just pushing around a feathered baby! lol

04-01-2011, 07:15 PM
if you are worried about your lovebird pooping on things, cover up stuff w/ old sheets. my sofa is basically old sheets. if you ever look at my photos and they're on the couch, that's what it is. yes, it's not pretty and whatever, but it works. sure you'll get poop here and there, but it's really not that bad. i take bird poo over dog poo any day. all it takes is some hot water and a cleaning cloth. yes you have to clean more, but that's just part of the package. if you can, make a play area for him. unless he's like mine and dont believe in play areas. once you learn how to pick up fresh bird poo, it's even easier. just remember don't press down on it and wipe cuz you'll just smear it. i dab fresh poo w/ a paper towel and it picks it up w/o a mess.

04-02-2011, 01:05 AM
I am very interested in that flight harness for lovies! I hope that is available soon. Hopefully this summer we will have some babies and be able to go exploring!:)
I saw a lady on youtube with a feather-tether. but on the official website it doesn't seem to come in lovie size.:confused:

04-02-2011, 08:38 AM
I have the aviator harness for my quaker and cag, iam not sure if they come in a small enough size for a lovie or not.