View Full Version : Tarquin, Jardo and Lou are moving house

03-27-2011, 03:21 PM
Hello everyone! Haven't posted in a long time. For anyone who followed when we first got Tarquin, a quick update is... We have the cuddliest, silliest, friendliest, funniest pet I have ever had :-) He's (99% sure he is actually she but it's already stuck) still very much attached primarily to the boyfriend, but Mummy comes a close second :-) When I first posted about him everyone very kindly complimented us on how pretty he is but now he is an absolute stunner. His rosey cheeks are now bright bright pinky-red and it's spread across his crown and down his chest, with the most amazing yellow body and White wings with his FANTASTIC turquoise and red rump. We are so very blessed to have this unique little creature in our lives :-)

Anywho. My post is actually to ask some advice. We are due to move next month. Tarquin has lived with us since July last year in our tiny one bed top floor flat, we got him just after being hand-weaned. He's not got a huge cage but I think it's a good enough compromise, the Ferplast Palladio medium. The cage sits on a cabinet in the corner of the living room but it we're home he is out and has free range of the flat except when we are cooking. However, we are very fortunate that my parents own a lovely little two bed end of terrace on the other side of Plymouth and we are headed there very soon. I'm looking for some tips on how to get him adjusted with as little stress as possible. He has stayed over at a friends when we've been on holiday and to be perfectly honest he coped amazingly so I'm not too worried, but I'm trying to pre-empt any potential problems.

Also I'm planning to get him a bigger cage once we are in there so looking for recommendations and whether we should acclimatise him in his current cage first?

And lastly - what are your opinions on getting a little outdoor aviary built? We will have a lovely private little garden and my dad has offered to build somewhere Tarquin can get some fresh air and stretch his little wings. I love the idea but it worries me.

Many thanks,
