View Full Version : gah footbites!

03-30-2011, 08:49 PM
Well even tho i have 3 food and water dishes as well as 3 houses all in different sides of the cage and introduced the 3 boys to a neutral cage there has been three small instances of fights..one small beak bite from aurora to nalu and nalu back to him, and sweety bit nalus toes twice on seperate occasions both times drawing a small amount of blood. well i guess better safe then sorry so will be takeing nalu out of the bachelor pad and putting him his favorite toys and his house in with the tiels pohaku and shadow, they wont hurt him but if nalu harrasses them then time to go to plan c and put him in his own medium sized cage. Darn i was realy hopeing the 3 boys would get along or atleast not hurt each other :(

03-30-2011, 09:24 PM
does anyone have a lovebird with tiels? i dont want my tiels to get hurt as they are passive and lovebirds are aggresive :(