View Full Version : Hut Size

04-06-2011, 02:55 PM
I would like to buy one of these for Holly - our local pet stores don't sell them so reverting to online stores to find one. But unsure what is the right size for her?



Would think the 7" is big enough?

04-06-2011, 05:20 PM
the bigger the better but yes thats a good size :)

04-07-2011, 08:21 AM
The little one is plenty big enough for a lovebird or two.

I make mine like that but only put a stiffener in the floor. I attach them in the cage by pulling the loops up through the top of the cage and securing them with a wooden dowel. That makes taking them in or out super quick and easy and mostly prevents them from chewing the loops off. The ones I make for a clutch of babies are the same but I make them longer so they all fit into one hut and nobirdy gets pushed out.

I like the little blue and pink snuggle sack which is a good size for a lovie. I have one of those also and it comes out nice in the wash.

04-07-2011, 02:23 PM
Thx Guys, will prob take her some time to get used to the idea... will definitely be getting her one though! Heard nothing but positive reviews about them on here!

04-07-2011, 02:53 PM
A word of caution: Huts need to be checked VERY FREQUENTLY for loose threads which can catch a foot, toe, or get wrapped around a neck or wing. They can be extremely dangerous and even fatal if not discovered in time.

We only use huts for baby birds, but never for adults for this reason. If you have a bird who is a real chewer you will need to be especially diligent if you use a hut.

We had one hen, Pixie, who got a thread wrapped around her neck during the night. She would have strangled if this had happened when we weren't at home to cut the thread and release her. That was when we quit using huts for our adult lovies.