View Full Version : Need advice!

04-09-2011, 01:17 AM
So basically, I have recently found myself the owner of a lovebird (believed to be bought from a pet shop, we aren't exactly sure). Someone left the bird in a cage on the doorstep of a vet run by a friend of mine, with some papers stating the bird was bought about a couple of weeks or so ago, but had no names (buyer/petshop) on it at all.

So onto what I need help with. I have never owned a bird before in my life. This one is completely afraid of people, all you need to do is walk into a room (I usually walk in slow as to not freak him/her out as much) and when you get near the cage the bird will freak out and get as far away as possible. I have attempted a few suggested ways as to help making the bird more comfortable - using millet spray, trying to get it used to hands, etc.

I have had the bird for almost two weeks and it still is the same way, and I am completely unsure what to do at this point. It seems as if no matter how hard I try to get the bird to trust me, or at least comfortable enough to not freak out when someone comes somewhere close to the cage, it just doesn't work.

Even though as said above it has only been two weeks, any suggestions would be nice as to what else I could try. I don't want to give up on the bird because it's previous owner abandoned it. I have also had someone else try to help with the taming (a friend who has owned and hand tamed multiple love birds) and she is having the same exact issues as I am.

04-09-2011, 07:19 AM
Hi Demi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We're glad you found your way here! :)

Since you don't know anything about this lovebird at all, it's hard to even guess what he/she might have been through prior to coming to live with you. Kudos to you for being willing to give him/her a loving home. The world can be a very scary place when you are alone and have no one.

Basically, all birds learn trust through experience and that can take time. Two weeks is barely just scratching the surface but given time, love and patience, you will get what you want. Where do you keep your lovebird? Have the flight feathers been clipped or is he/she fully flighted?

These are a couple of questions that will help us understand a bit more so that we can give you better answers. The more information we have, the more suggestions we can make. There are no shortcuts to earning trust and understanding is the very first step.

If you have any photos you can share with us, we would love to see them!!!

04-09-2011, 09:49 AM
I have an extra bedroom at my current apartment so I have been keeping the bird in that, since it's quiet and away from everything else that's going on. And yes the wings have already been clipped.

And as for a picture; (sorry for the bad quality, phone pic)

04-09-2011, 10:30 AM
Thanks for the additional information about your new lovebird.

Being away from where you spend most of your time is not what you want. Fine for the first couple of days but you want him/her to get used to being where "the action" is. If there's one place in your home where you spend a lot of time (TV, Computer, etc), place the cage in that area. Against a wall or near a corner will offer a feeling of security on at least one or two sides of the cage. Lovebirds are social birds and need to be around either other birds or where humans are. Most lovebirds want to be in the center of everything that's going on!

Once you relocate the cage, just go about your ordinary routine. When you are near the cage, talk quietly to your lovie and just be yourself. The first positive sign you will see is that he/she will slowly stop flipping out each time you come near the cage. It may seem like a small thing but with an untame bird, it's a major step. Place a food dish on the side of the cage that is closest to where you are, even if it means adding a second dish. When you eat, sit near the cage and enjoy your food. Lovebirds are social eaters and you may find that your lovebird will come over and eat at the same time you are eating. This may be a slow process but it takes time to earn the trust of an untame bird. They need to experience the fact that you won't hurt them. You know it but they have to learn it. I rescued an abused Amazon Parrot about 5 yrs ago. He was badly abused by men for the first 6-7 yrs of his life. It's taken him 5 yrs to figure out that my husband will not hurt him.

Also, once the flightiness ends, you may want to try opening the door to the cage and see if he/she will come out. Keep the wings clipped until you have built a relationship with this bird. At least flying will be limited so getting him back won't be that hard. After that, if you want him fully flighted, that would be your own personal choice. Some of our members have fully flighted birds while others do partial clips or whatever works best with their own birds.

As for mutation of your bird, you have an Aqua (Dutch Blue) Peachfaced Lovebird.

04-09-2011, 11:17 AM
My computer is in the extra room which is why I have 'Peachy' (as my niece has taken to calling the bird) in there. I'm usually at my desk when I am doing work/free time.

I will try some of the other things you have mentioned though, thanks!

04-09-2011, 02:14 PM
Hi and wlecome to the forum!! You have a "beautiful" lovie!! Wishing you the best in developing a loving relationship with him/her!! Hope to see your posts on a regular basis! :happy::happy:

04-09-2011, 04:19 PM
That is awesome that you took this bird in and rescued it! I think it takes a special kind of person to be able to do that, and it won't be long before your Peachie warms up to you.
Keep up the good work, animals are very smart and KNOW good people when they see them!