View Full Version : Ignoring Toys

04-21-2011, 11:10 AM
Hi again, new question :blush:

I've tried a couple of toys with Ezio, ones that he can shred mostly and he just ignores them. He's not afraid of them or anything. In fact, outside the cage, he really enjoys toys. Shreds them to bits if he can get his beak on them. But inside the cage, all I see him do is sit on his perch if he's not eating or drinking or begging to come out. I worry that he'll be bored while I'm here at work and end up depressed. Is this fairly normal for lovies? Any ways to show him that he can play with said toys inside his cage as well as out?

04-21-2011, 11:56 AM
It would be interesting to set up a webcam so you can watch what he really does during the day when you are not there! It might surprise you....... :whistle:

Could be he's not showing any interest in the toys in his cage because he would rather be out of his cage playing or hanging out with you.

04-21-2011, 05:09 PM
It would be interesting to set up a webcam so you can watch what he really does during the day when you are not there! It might surprise you....... :whistle:

Could be he's not showing any interest in the toys in his cage because he would rather be out of his cage playing or hanging out with you.

Yep. I did that with Ditto. Quite frequently when I'm home he's just hanging out looking at me, napping and chirping. Before I left to visit my parents one day I put my camera on a tripod and set it to snap a pic of the cage every 10 seconds. He wasn't in the same place in consecutive pictures more than a few times.:rofl: