View Full Version : Cute noises!

04-23-2011, 08:56 AM
I've always noticed the cute noises Tango makes, but I first notice some really interesting one's since yesterday.
My husband installed a new smoke/carbon monoxide detector yesterday and later in the day it started to chirp every 30-60 seconds. (it wasn't alerting us to anything, it was a malfunction due to my cooking or interference from something else.) Eventually, every time it chirped, Tango would imitate the chirp. When we tested it and it gave 3 beeps, he repeated them too. It was funny.:rotfl Later, at his bedtime, I said "nite nite" to him like I do every night before I cover his cage and he chirped back at me in the same rhythm & tone. I was so happy since he responded to me.:happy:

Also, in the mornings when I uncover his cage for the day and am about to open it up, he makes this farting/raspberry sound over & over again. What does that mean? He does it for a few minutes after coming out too before he starts chirping. In the past, I've heard him "growl" before he opens his beak as he's ready to bite or when I bring my hand near him. The morning one sounds similar, but he's not being aggressive...he seems more excited.:confused:

04-23-2011, 04:08 PM
I've never quite heard it describe as a farting rasberry. Unless he is sticking his tongue out and going pthththththththth. LOL! The only sound I can thing of that kind of sounds like that is beak grinding which most lovies do if they are happy and content. Most of mine do it a nap time bur I have one that does it during play. Rule of thumb, if he looks happy while he's making his strange noises then he probably is! :happy:

They can make the cutest sounds ever. And all you can do is smile when you hear them. Cabo sounds exactly like R2D2 when he sleeps. I LOVE it! I am glad you are enjoying Tango so much. it sounds like he feels right at home.

04-23-2011, 04:12 PM
Ditto makes the raspberry noise when he's really wound up and giving his toys a beating!