View Full Version : Body Language

04-28-2011, 05:02 PM
I just got my little guy yesterday and you can read more in the introductions about him.

I just want to know if anyone has any advice or a website link that has some information about a lovebirds body language...I know a little from when I had my parakeet but I'm not sure the same applies to lovebirds.

I just want to be able to "read" him better. Thanks so much.

Pips mom
04-28-2011, 08:13 PM
Alot of lovebird body language you will learn as you get to know your lovebird. With Pip mostly I see the matey stuff with the dancing around and clickey sounds.....I can tell when he's comfortable because he fluffs up his little cheeks! I never really get any clues to when he feels like biting or being aggressive, but he's rarely like that anymore anyway. When he's happy he bobs his head and makes these little grunting sounds. He'll yell at people he doesn't know who get too close! Oh, and of course the contented sound of beak grinding means they are cozy and looking to take a snooze!

04-28-2011, 08:54 PM
Thanks for replying. Right now the little guy hasn't chirped but once since he's been here but I'm sure he'll open up pretty soon.

I did noticed him fluffing up when I was giving him a rub on the head. He also feels like he's vibrating sometimes.

04-29-2011, 05:23 PM


I found these two links that tell about body language.