View Full Version : The quakers and my flock....

Pips mom
04-28-2011, 08:02 PM
We've had a fun time with my sister's quakers visiting. Every morning I get to wake up and listen to them while I get ready. Mr. Ed sings.....he's a very good birdie, he's a very good birdie, he's a very good birdieeeee.....and nobody can deny! These two are too much! they have a huge vocabulary! Be a good boy, oh my god!, Hi mr. Ed! Monkey, what are ya doin? what's goin on? Quack quack, meow... and they never seem to stop.....they can get quite noisey at times! I have pics to post, but right now I can't post them because my brother took Windows off my computer and I can't figure this thing out, so I'll post them later. The crazy thing about having them here is that they both seem to get along with Pip! Pip has been terrible about leaving them alone and constantly landing on their cages. Eventually I came over and saw him on Mr. Ed's cage and Ed seemed curious, but knew to keep his distance, then I saw him on Monk's cage.....clung to the front of course! and here's Monk talking away to him! It looked as if he was talking to Pip and Pip was just watching him in amazement! I don't even worry now with Pip out of cage because these quakers don't seem bothered by him being near them at all! Ivy was annoyed at first with them being here, but now seems interested and ok with them.....one big happy family! Monk is out right now with Ivy and Pip both out and I don't even have to worry about a thing! On tuesday we finally got some warm weather here and I brought all of these guys outside for quite some time to get some fresh air and sunshine! I also cleaned up the new cage for Ivy, sanitized, and put it together.....now all I have to do is make some perches for it and I already have a rope perch in there. Lots of pics, but will post over the weekend once my son gets windows back on my computer!!! Our comical feathered friends(well, actually, family) will be going back home on Monday.

04-28-2011, 08:20 PM
Are there pics???

Pips mom
04-28-2011, 09:55 PM
Yes, I have pics and I actually was able to upload them to my facebook, but I can't post them here because I don't know how! I tried! I no longer have Windows on my computer, I have Linux....maybe someone could help me understand how to do it? I'm having my son put Windows back on my computer very soon!

04-28-2011, 10:09 PM
Wow, it sounds like everybirdie had fun! All this info about Quakers makes me want to get to know them better!

Barb :)

04-28-2011, 10:48 PM
dont make me wait too long!!!