View Full Version : Flying around wildly?

04-29-2011, 06:58 AM
So the babies are all trying to fly around wildly all over my house when I get them out to have a hold.

I'm find it it dishartening as I thought they have been touched since day one nearly and I've been taking them out of their nest and holding them for the last three weeks or so but still they won't come to me, they won't sit on my finger with out flying off unexpectedly either.

I've tried offering them food when they sit with me and they will taste the grapes but won't eat the millet (I've only offer it to the oldest as I seen him eating out of the seed dish.)

I'm wondering if they are more of a "look at bird" and not a "hold and cuddle bird" :(

What am I doing wrong?:very_sad:

04-29-2011, 09:19 AM
You're actually not doing anything wrong. What you are seeing is typical baby lovebird and even my hand feds will do this. They get a taste of flying and just go bananas!! Of course, they have to perfect their technique so it's practice, practice and more practice. This will come to an end once they are flying/landing expertly and you can clip the outside 4-5 primary flight feathers. You don't want to stop them from flying. You just want to control where they can go.

The ones who won't eat millet don't know what it is. Once they make the connection, millet will work every time! :lol

04-29-2011, 06:54 PM
Thanks Linda :) I'll have to share this with the family as DH wasn't me to clip their wings now! ACK NO WAY!:omg:

I'll have to keep going with putting the millet sprays in the cage as well.

Thanks again :)