View Full Version : volkman bought out by kaytee.

04-29-2011, 01:00 PM
This is the news I heard from a local pet store owner. We've been noticing all of our local pet stores are discontinuing Volkman - even on neighboring islands. When we asked why, the response is that Volkman got bought out by Kaytee, and Kaytee jacked up the price of Volkman (the store owner says it's to put the Volkman name out of business). So now Kaylor of Colorado is going to be taking the place of Volkman on this one particular store owner's shelves - as he REFUSES to carry $#!% Kaytee. We bought the last two remaining bags of Volkman they had for our "Maya Mix".

Are any other areas/states hearing this news?

04-29-2011, 01:09 PM
This is brand new news to me but I, personally, boycott Kaytee. It's a shame, because Volkman had an excellent product. Other good choices are Higgins and Abba, at least for now.........

I just did a Google search on this and drew a blank. Nothing out publicly, at least not that I've been able to find.

04-29-2011, 01:25 PM
Just to sate my chronic curiosity, what's wrong with Kaytee?

04-29-2011, 01:28 PM
I had Googled as well and didn't find anything... I first heard of Volkman starting to be discontinued in Hawaii stores a few or several months ago when someone from a neighboring island contacted me and asked if I knew of any stores here that carry the brand because their feed store stopped carrying it.

I boycott Kaytee products as well. Unfortunately, most of the people I know do use Kaytee because it's the cheapest out there besides no name grocery store type food.

04-29-2011, 01:38 PM
Just to sate my chronic curiosity, what's wrong with Kaytee?
I boycott Kaytee because I have a huge problem with Kaytee Preferred Birds. Kaytee Preferred Birds purchases baby birds from various selected breeders at very young ages, takes them to one of 2 facilities (Utah or Florida) to hand feed them for the pet trade. These babies are medicated, kept in clean single containers and can't possibly receive the socialization necessary to become good quality pets. There have been several incidents where birds have been sold by Kaytee Preferred Birds where the birds were sick with PBFD when they went to/were sold by pet shops who purchased the babies from Kaytee. At least one of our members got a lovebird whose history was traced back to KPB.

I, personally, almost lost a baby lovebird because Kaytee had problems with their hand feeding formula but no announcement was made. I know I posted a thread, I think in the Breeding section about this. The bird's name was Cleo and I know I have at least 1 photo of her that shows how far behind she was developmentally.

04-29-2011, 03:39 PM
^ Ditto.

Linda was lucky, as I've heard others actually lost babies using Kaytee handfeeding formula. Unfortunately, at least here, most pet stores ONLY carry Kaytee handfeeding formula - probably because it's cheapest.

Linda, didn't (or someone here) say that owners/breeders have written to Kaytee about the handfeeding formula's results and they never responded back?

Even superficially, just LOOKING at Kaytee products as opposed to higher-priced brands you can SEE the quality difference.

05-02-2011, 09:24 PM
So I emailed the company and the owner of the company called me, and got three emails: two from Volkman and one from the California distributor to Hawaii. The owner said he said he didn't sell Volkman to Kaytee and what happened is that there is one distributor for Volkman to Hawaii and some of the local stores here have "chosen not to work with" that distributor (don't know the reasons). They also said the cost of their product has gone up because the cost of their ingredients went up. He said there will still be some stores here carrying Volkman. Woot!! :happy:

05-04-2011, 06:56 AM
Ah, well, good reason to boycott a company then. I haven't given Ezio anything by Kaytee and knowing that, will continue not to. Thanks for the heads up!

05-05-2011, 02:30 AM
I think I understand where the pet store owner's misinformation came from now. Central Pet is the only distributor of Volkman to Hawaii. Central Pet IS Kaytee.

Man, I've had a total of four emails (one from a Volkman Rep, the Volkman Owner, Central Pet General Manager, and Central Pet Regional Manager!) and a phone call from the owner of Volkman - all from one question I asked them. :rotfl The CP Regional Manager is even wanting to meet with me because they "have a lot to offer" and would like to go over their program with me. Dang.