View Full Version : Is it just my lovies???

Pips mom
05-01-2011, 08:15 AM
Is it just mine? I've realized that both Rudy and Pip seem very fascinated and seem to love other species of birds. Pip has been all over these quaker's cages, and loves his Ivy.....even loves dogs! and now Rudy.....best buds with a parrotlet, and now going after a friendship with George the senegal! I couldn't believe my eyes when I went next door and found Rudy....very determined to win George over, and George gets mad and wants nothing to do with him. Rudy won't give up though and he's wearing him down!!!!:rotfl Eventually George just sits there and gives up.....he realizes it's useless.....those lovies.....SO determined!!! Now keep in mind.....Rudy and Pip love other species of birds, but they don't get along with each other!!! :confused: I just wonder if it's just a coincidence that I've ended up with two lovies who seem to love other species of birds!

05-01-2011, 08:43 AM
You just never know with a lovebird, or, for that matter, any other species of parrot! I have 3 lovebirds that are living in the same cage with 2 male Tiels. :omg: No problems at all with any of them. In fact, TJ (male Tiel) is very protective of one of the OF Cinnamon female lovies that make up the lovie trio. She likes him, too!

Parrots can co-habitate with each other, as long as they set the friendship guidelines, humans excluded except to insure that no one is injured.

05-01-2011, 12:24 PM
Gizmo tries to be friends with my other birds, she gets on ok with kermit my gcc i let them out together but watch them all the time, i keep her away from Ollie he would eat her alive if he got near her.
Gizmo has tried to be friends with my parrotlets but they just attack her like parrotlets do and she can't understand it.

05-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Mika wants nothing to do with any other species of bird, including his own! :rotfl He's tolerant of other birds and just stays away from them, but it's like pulling teeth to get him to like another bird!! Even back when Kano was alive, he was secondary to me. Mika definitely prefers humans over birds.

05-02-2011, 06:13 AM
I think my birds are trying to kill me. Peanut, Kiwi, and Peaches all try to give me heartattacks daily. They all invade the Suns' cage and they have learned to just accept the fact that they have pesky little siblings going in and out of their cage and play area. I'm OK with that, but now they are trying to do the same thing with Sophie, the OWA!! :omg: I'm not OK with that! She's not OK with that!! I have taken precautions to prevent that, but those thick headed...Oh I mean, smart little critters know how to get past the barricades! :omg: :omg:

So, no, it isn't just your guys. Peanut is the only one though that doesn't like his own species. And, Peanut does that with every human that walks in the door! I purposely forget to warn people that Peanut will fly to them and land somewhere on their person with a very loud CHEEEEEPPPP!!!! I'm soooooo mean!! :rotfl

05-02-2011, 03:46 PM
depends on the bird lol mine barely tolerate other birds includeing other lovebirds lol but my lovebird nalu loves tiels infact he is living with my two tiels shadow and pohaku and so far everythings awsome!