View Full Version : A Good Story

05-14-2005, 04:20 PM
We all know how scared of new things lovies can be right?

The other day it was time to eat and I decided to have a change of pace and make a turkey sandwich with whole wheat bread but instead of plain, I wanted mustard.

SO! I pull out the bread.. been there done that no problem. Trixie tries to shread the plastic as usual....

Open the fridge and get the turkey out….. once again no problem there.

Then I grab the mustard, cause like I said I was in the mood for something different, you know, the standard yellow “Frenches” mustard most of us use?

Well.. let me tell ya. Trixie flipped out.

“SCREEECH, SCREECH, SCREECH, SCREEECHSCREECHSCREECH… SCREEECH SCREECH SCREECH”, you know that really cute supersonic high pitch screech?

Yeah... that one.

Then she starts evading the mustard, running all over daddysa sholders, back, head....... under the shirt, over the shirt, SCREEECH, YELP … KWAAAK SCHEEEEEEEECH, SCREETCH SCREETCH SCREECH.

You would have thought it was the coming of satan himself.

:D :D :D

I laughed while trying to squirt mustard on my bread with my poor freaked out Trixie Bunny having a freak fit while trying ot tell her in that loving sing songy voice “Its ohhh kay baybeee, its just mustard. Its good!, don’t be a scardy chickin’ k? ;) )

Once I put the mustard up it was snuggle under daddies hair and hug hug hug, kiss kiss kiss, "KEEEP ME SAFE DADDY!! I LOVE YOU DADDY YOU SAVED ME FROM THE EVIL PRESENCE OF THE DASTARDLY MUSTARD" kind of snuggles.

So we sit down back at the computer. She of course runs down my arm and sits on my hand and starts tearing into the sandwich.

Bread is now flying all over the house.

In 12 years, we are still going to find some of those bread crumbs. ;)

Once she gets to the inside of the sandwich, you know, the good part?.. Well, let me tell ya. She takes a bite of the turkey (she loves turkey). No mustard yet.

I’m just waiting to see what happens. AT this point Im trying not to laugh, cause I don’t wanna get yelled at (Yeah she yells at me when I make fun of her) ;)

Then she chews and chews and chews. I can’t eat at this point cause its too funny so I just sit there and watch her.

You know, one of those "Priceless moments".

Then she takes a big rip out of it...... shred shred shred……, chow chow chow…. She's eating plain turkey and doesn't notice at first.

THEN! She hits the mustard!!!

Trixie stops cold in her tracks. Looks me right in the eyes with her typical Trixie Stare.

She stares at me motionless with the super doper serious Truixie Bunny stare.

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

An eternity passes. Must have been 10 seconds or so.


She decides she likes it and without warning goes back into a frenzied shredding turkey sandwich mode.

You know that cloud that forms when millet is around?

That’s nothing. This cloud radiated out of the house and darkened the sun over the entire city of Philadelphia AND the suburbs.

Let me tell ya. There is bread flying, turkey flying. You have never seen anything like it!

She’s looking for more mustard. If it doesn’t have mustard on it, it’s hitting the floor. The dog is chowin down, she’s shredding, Im laughin’.

When she hits more turkey with mustard, it’s chow time. There is not a morsel wasted at this point. Talk about precision beaking.

I’m pretty sure she called Aunt Shy later that day to tell her all about the new adventure.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

PS: She is still terrified of the evil mustard bottle.

05-14-2005, 04:28 PM
Hi Perran,
I needed a good laugh right about now and this is it!!! :) I'm laughing so hard I can barely see what I'm typing......

Evil mustard bottle!

05-14-2005, 04:37 PM

That is priceless. I don't spose you got any pics of the little mustard queen did ya??????

That Trixie is a hoot. Who'd a thought, mustard????? Oh well, if you got it, they want it ;)


05-14-2005, 07:00 PM

tooooooo funny! makes you wonder what goes on in their little brains.... ;)


05-14-2005, 08:16 PM
:D That's so funny! I can just picture that "look". Lovies have the most expressive faces. I had a friend over the other night and was telling her about Peepo's kisses and such. She said "I didn't know birds were affectionate." :confused: I felt like I'd stepped into another world. (shaking my head) She'd probably never understand the "look" then.

Thanks for the story, I needed a laugh!


05-14-2005, 09:06 PM
Hey, ya know something, Perran?
We'd best not ever introduce Trixie Bunny to Echo! Echo is the original eating machine and will literally eat anything that doesn't try to eat him or run away! He can make the biggest mess in the shortest amount of time than any bird I've ever had before!!! Don't think we want to chance introducing them. Echo ain't afraid of no bottle of mustard.................. :D

05-15-2005, 09:47 AM

That is priceless. I don't spose you got any pics of the little mustard queen did ya??????

Unfortunately no, I didnt have my cam ready, but those would have been some awesome shots lol

:D That's so funny! I can just picture that "look". Lovies have the most expressive faces. I had a friend over the other night and was telling her about Peepo's kisses and such. She said "I didn't know birds were affectionate." :confused: I felt like I'd stepped into another world. (shaking my head) She'd probably never understand the "look" then.

Thanks for the story, I needed a laugh!


Nope, she wouldnt have understood it... its a shame too. I think all peoples should get an understanding of these marvelous little creatures :D

Hey, ya know something, Perran?
We'd best not ever introduce Trixie Bunny to Echo! Echo is the original eating machine and will literally eat anything that doesn't try to eat him or run away! He can make the biggest mess in the shortest amount of time than any bird I've ever had before!!! Don't think we want to chance introducing them. Echo ain't afraid of no bottle of mustard.................. :D

Agreed. If we did introduce them, the mess would be such that no cleaning crew could handle it :eek:

:p :D :p :D :)

05-16-2005, 04:25 PM
That funny!!! Which reminds me of a funny story too. A couple of months ago someone gave my husband a red "simpsons" talking beer opener. Once the metal part comes in contact with metal it starts with the voice of Homer saying " mmmm beer ( sound of beer being poured) then shouts of "Oh yes,Oh yes, Whooo hew" .... Well that opener became the object of Pepper's affection... If you know what I mean.. :p When she heard it she would turn her back to it, raise the wings, lift the tail.. :D ... This lasted a couple of days until one day she woke up and decided she HATES that opener.. She grabbed it with her beek, flung it across the kitchen and it now longer works... she won :)


05-17-2005, 04:56 PM
:D I guess she didn't get what she was lookin' for, so she took her vengeance out on poor Homer beer opener! LOLOL! Poor frustrated little Pepper!

Perran, Trixie-Bunny could do a commercial for French's. ;)

05-17-2005, 09:51 PM
Ohhh, I think I saw that dark cloud all the way over here in Bucks County Perran!!!!!! :D Me and the lovies were wondering what happened.