View Full Version : How to train and house my 3 birds and do all lovies get mad when you put in new toys?

05-02-2011, 06:39 PM
Hi all, I have 3 new 2 mos old lovebirds. They have been caged together since they were separated from their mom. I just got them 5 days ago and they are super cute! They were not hand fed or hand trained.

They are all staring at me right now and squacking like they expect me to do something! haha, so cute....

I've read that 3 birds together is not good but they seem so happy. I have not noticed that 2 pair more than the others, they all seem to take turns pairing and mostly the 3 of them are in a pile together and they follow each other. The yellow one, Sunny seems to be the leader as when I tried hand feeding them she was first and the others came over after they saw her feeding from my hand.

I plan to get 2 more cages and to separate them, training and getting to know each one separately. I would let them out together sometimes and as they get older let them socialize more.

Another thought was to keep 2 together always but never the same 2. Just keep them rotating so they get company and stay bonded.

Any thoughts from the experts in the audience? I love the way they are together but if one freaks out about my hand, the others follow suit so they will need to be separate for sociallizing with me. I have had one of them come onto my hand and they have jumped on my arm when it's in the cage but are still very timid.

They seem to want me, when I leave the room they put out a big bunch of noise until I tell them I'm still here or come and back and sweet talk them.

Right now they are all in the feeding dish happily eating. I've seen one (who likes to feed the others) feeding the other 2 at the same time. Every once and a while I see them have a little tiff, jealous maybe, but never 2 against the same one, just sort of random.

When I bought them a tent they all piled in there on top of one another and slept there. I had to take it out or they might never have come out!

So please let me know some good ideas for making sure they become my buddy and don't have issues of the 3 birds as I've heard of.

By the way, do they often get mad when you change thier cage or add new toys?

Verena, Sunny, Jessy and Polly

05-02-2011, 10:05 PM
Hi and congratulations on your new babies! I also am a new lovebird owner and have found so much useful info. on this website. The threads and personal experiences of others cover just about any subject or question you can think of and the people here are so supportive!
Patience is key of course and lots of treats! Don't worry your birds will have you trained in no time.:)

05-02-2011, 10:25 PM
Welcome. I'm new here myself. Congratulations on your 3 new babies.

I'm not an expert so I can't comment. I just wanted to say welcome and congratulate on your 3 new babies. I'm new here myself.

But you're right about separating them...I've hard that helps a lot.

05-03-2011, 07:55 PM
Hi there and thanks for the welcome!

I separated them yesterday, keeping Sunny out to play while the other 2 were in another room in the cage and they were screeching for each other the entire time! They do everything together and copy each other. I can't see that 2 are together more than the other 2.

Today was such a great day! I got them on my hand and getting on a stick or my finger on the command up up! All except Polly who is a bit cranky and only likes his belly rubbed through the cage if he isn't looking that it's you! (But he knows!)

They were all in the tent when I got home from work and I went to play. 2 jumped out and Jessy remained. I kept my hand at one end of the tent and then my face/hand at the other and with the hand he couldn't really see behind him I scratched his head and petted him. It was after doing that then he would get on my hand! The tent is a great way for them to feel safe while you touch them I think.

Let me know how your training is going, or how you are being trained! I always believe in being alpha with my pets or it can be scary!:omg: Congrats on your new lovies too!

05-03-2011, 07:57 PM
Hi and congratulations on your new babies! I also am a new lovebird owner and have found so much useful info. on this website. The threads and personal experiences of others cover just about any subject or question you can think of and the people here are so supportive!
Patience is key of course and lots of treats! Don't worry your birds will have you trained in no time.:)

So far my lovies don't enjoy treats and they don't like toys! Any suggestions? Maybe a millet spray? Congrats on your new babies too! Does your arm get sore and your legs fall asleep? :rotfl

06-06-2011, 11:41 PM
Welcome. I'm new here myself. Congratulations on your 3 new babies.

I'm not an expert so I can't comment. I just wanted to say welcome and congratulate on your 3 new babies. I'm new here myself.

But you're right about separating them...I've hard that helps a lot.

I could not leave them separated. Sunny (guess which one is Sunny) is great alone and we are bonding well, but Polly (the one with the green and blue peach face) got so depressed I had to put her in with Jessy, now the two of them are so happy as 2 peas in a pod. How can I train 2 though?

PS They are getting much happier about new toys, more so than my hand in the cage!

06-07-2011, 10:54 AM
Hi all, I have 3 new 2 mos old lovebirds. They have been caged together since they were separated from their mom. I just got them 5 days ago and they are super cute! They were not hand fed or hand trained........

I've read that 3 birds together is not good but they seem so happy........

I could not leave them separated. Sunny (guess which one is Sunny) is great alone and we are bonding well, but Polly (the one with the green and blue peach face) got so depressed I had to put her in with Jessy, now the two of them are so happy as 2 peas in a pod. How can I train 2 though?.........

Hi Verena, Sunny, Polly, and Jessy. .. Welcome to Lovebirdsplus! ... The reason your three are happy together is their young age. .. As your three juveniles mature, there's a good chance you'll have no option but to separate them. .. As long as you let them make their own choice, proper housing should fall into place. .. Rotating pairs is not a good option, as that could bring about some serious squabbles. .. As for who should be the odd bird out, I think your last post speaks for itself. .. If it remains obvious Polly and Jessy prefer each others company, then keeping them paired in a separate cage would be more desirable. .. In regards to training all three, if sunny is bonding with you, then in time, that will likely help influence an extended flock relationship with Polly and Jessy. .. Really, the fact that your three are already learning step up, and interacting well with you, sounds as though your an established flock leader already. .. Honestly, I think your doing a great job! .. BTW, whether or not lovebirds are handfed/handled early, will usually not affect the outcome of your relationship.

Please review our other forums, especially the "Lovebird care" forum. . There under "diet" you'll find plenty of information on lovebird nutrition, and how to introduce new foods. .. I'm sure you know, the earlier you intro healthy foods, the more likely your birds will accept them. ...........:)