View Full Version : Bird's obsession with laptop...

05-02-2011, 08:30 PM
Lately, when Tango is out of his cage, he likes to climb down the side and cross over a small ladder that I have placed as a bridge from his cage to the armrest of the sofa. Normally, he just sits quietly next to me or plays with the towel I have placed over the armrest. In the last few days, if I am sitting on the sofa and working on my homework on the laptop, he will climb down the arm, to the cushion and climb up my leg and onto my laptop. He will just sit in the middle of the keyboard and rest his chest/belly on the keys. It is almost like he is falling asleep or is extremely comfortable because he will make this sound like he's grinding his beak. If I try to touch my keys, he instantly goes after my fingers with his beak open to chase me away. Is he doing this because it's slightly warm? I was just curious if anyone else had this happen, cause it's kind of funny, except when I am trying to do homework!

05-03-2011, 08:18 AM
Our first Lovebird, Sonny, did the exact same thing.

I use to work from home a lot and he would curl up in the middle of my laptop keyboard. Sometimes he liked to hang out on the top left corner of my laptop where the fan was. Whenever I started typing he would take terrific offence to my movements and chase my fingers around the keyboard like crazy.

I think he like the fact that he felt like he was the centre of attention and my eyes were on him.

One of the cutest things Sonny did.

I'm at work right now, but I'll try and post some pics later tonight from home of him curled up on the keyboard.

05-03-2011, 11:13 AM
It's probably because it's warm and he like the attention. My birds loves sitting on the top of my monitor, which i had to stop because they kept pooping inside the vents! :omg:

05-03-2011, 02:12 PM
I think the clicking sound of the keyboard on my desktop attracts Ducky and he'll chase my fingers around too! :rofl: I think your birdie likes the warmth if he lays down and makes beak grinding noises. I'd love to see a picture of that!

Ducky also loves the large calculator and the telephone. He likes the buttons on them. A few times, he's tried to bite the red light that flashes to tell you there is a message! :rotfl

Lovies can be very, very silly!