View Full Version : Feeling Sad for Second Oldest.

05-08-2011, 04:28 AM
This evening, all of the babies (now aged 8 to 6 weeks old) are all on top of the nesting box bar "Second Oldest"

He and Dad seem to be having some issues recently fighting or something. Second oldest seems to be a bit intimidated.

Tonight Second Oldest is perched in the corner by himself. I feel so sorry for him.

is this normal kind of behaviour or a sign it's time to move the babies out and move mum back in bar the nesting box?


05-08-2011, 06:52 AM
Is the second oldest weaned and eating on his own? It could be that this baby wants dad to feed him/her and dad is refusing. Does dad feed the oldest baby at all that you've seen? It's my guess that this is the issue.

05-09-2011, 03:00 PM
Hi Linda :)

I'm guessing he is fully weaned, actually I think all of them are.

I see Second Oldest foraging around on the bottom of the cage quite frequently (more than the other) but strangely enough I haven't seen them eating from the seed dish. Hmmm.

I hear them in there now tweeting like a feed me tweet but it's only 6am here.

I'm going to have to pay more attention.

They are sure flyers now, let them out and they go everywhere!

05-09-2011, 03:42 PM
I hear them in there now tweeting like a feed me tweet but it's only 6am here.
Breakfast normally starts just around sunrise so 6 a.m. sounds like they just might be hungry but want dad to feed them instead of venturing out and getting it themselves.

If they are foraging around on the bottom of the cage, put a ceramic or stainless steel type dish down there for them. They will graduate upwards but for now, reward their efforts. :)

05-09-2011, 09:37 PM
Done! Thanks Linda!