View Full Version : Taming 2 lovebirds?

05-08-2011, 03:54 PM
Hi everyone :) i'm new to the forum and i'm hoping i can get some advice! Sorry its quite a long post but i'm trying to get all the info in! I'm a new lovebird owner, i've had my 2 birds, Olive and Rudy, for about a month now. They are peachfaced male and female pair, they are about 6m old and were hand reared but are not hand tame. They have not been clipped.
I read up on taming etc before i got them and planned to work with them one at a time, however, they hate to be separated! It has worked in my favour when i want to get them back in the cage but can't see me ever being able to hand tame them! The 1st time they came out of the cage was by accident when i 1st cleaned out the cage so i had to catch them to put them back. They were a bit disorientated so wasn't too difficult. I have had to do this a couple of times since and they both tried biting me when i got hold of them (gently of course!) These bites didn't hurt and i didn't react in any way, just talked to them gently. Now i have them going back into the cage themselves but i have to chase them around a bit 1st until they land on top of the cage and i then say "in" as they go in. This works quite well now, although i have read that letting them come out and go in their cage on their own can cause terrotorial behaviour. This morning, the female, Olive, bit me quite hard as i put some apple in the cage for them. She's never done anything like this before, i actually thought they were becoming more comfortable with my hands being in the cage as they stay on the perch now rather than move away but i don't want the biting to become a bad habit! Olive is usually the more curious and is always the 1st to eat any fruit and veg i put in, so she is usually just eager to see what it is, not bite the hand that feeds her!!
I can't have the birds clipped as i have 2 dogs aswell and they cant easily be separated from the birds when they are out so i would rather the birds are able to fly away if a situation arose (although my dogs have been unexpectedly good about the new arrivals!) I always closely supervise them and there have been a couple of muzzle to beak situations but the dogs have moved straight away when i've told them, but still, clipped wings could make them a sitting target and its not worth the risk.
So basically, after all that info, i just want some general advise, am i doing the wrong things with them? To be honest, i'm not too unhappy with the routine of them coming out for a fly and going back in, but it would be nice to be able to interact with them a bit more when they are out. They seem to like me being around, when i go upstairs (the cage is downstairs in the lounge) they start calling, and when they are out they tend to come to the room (only 2 rooms!) where i am, and if i move rooms they tend to follow! But they still keep their distance. I can go towards them but if i move my hand towards them they move away (although Olive now tries to see if she can get a bite in!)
Any advise appreciated :)
Thank you if you've read this far!! :rotfl

05-08-2011, 05:05 PM
Are you sure they are 6 months old? cause mine they were 8 months when i got them and when i separate them to tame them there was no problems at all as lovies bond after they are 1 year and 6 months old after that age they will not tolerate being separate from each other mine i had tamed them until some point :)

05-09-2011, 12:19 AM
ok, I have a question? Do you separate them long term or just for training time?

Dude the male will eat millet from me, while Dookie the female gets as far away from me as she can.
I would really like to have them not afraid of my hand, I know it could take a long time to build trust. Their wings were clipped by the place we got them,and I have 2 cats on the prowl.
I do have a spare cage now,as I got them a big one.

Any taming/training advice would be wonderful.

https://picasaweb.google.com/thegoodz77/LovebirdsAndParakeets?authkey=Gv1sRgCKbfs7zDuezwlg E&feat=directlink

05-09-2011, 04:01 PM
Hi, thanks for your replies. I am only going off what the breeder told me that they were 6m old, they'll be more like 7 now. They are from the same clutch and were the last pair so not sure if they had all been separated into pairs by the breeder early on. Don't know whether that would make a diff.
I haven't really attempted to separate them properly, but yes it would only be for training. But from how they are, they follow each other everywhere, when i 1st started to open the door to let them out, one would figure it out before the other and come out and they would make so much noise, the one out would keep going back to the cage and they would just call to each other VERY loudly! They have now both figured out where the exit is and come straight out usually but they still call to eachother if one flies off and the other doesnt immediately follow, or if i get one back in the cage and the other comes straight over which is helpful!
Sounds like maybe the biting is a typical female trait then, any tips on how to deal with it? Sorry if i'm asking questions that have already been answered on other posts.

05-09-2011, 05:09 PM
Chester my male lovie its the one that bites always my fingers LOL so biting its not something that only females do...

05-09-2011, 06:08 PM
Are you sure they are 6 months old? cause mine they were 8 months when i got them and when i separate them to tame them there was no problems at all as lovies bond after they are 1 year and 6 months old after that age they will not tolerate being separate from each other mine i had tamed them until some point :)

Actually the common species of lovebird tend to pair up and bond around 4-5 months old. They do this in nature and in captivity. All of my young birds are caged together in an aviary of flight, and each year they are always seperated into pairs by the time they are 6 months old. This is how I sex my birds :)

To the OP: It sounds like you are doing well. If you want them silly tame you probably would need to work with each birds individually. However, the way you are doing things now will work and they will soon trust you and start flying and landing on you etc, showing less fear basically.

05-11-2011, 07:21 AM
Hi again, think i'll just carry on what i'm doing then and i have been spending more time just talking to them in their cage and moving my hands up without actually reaching out to them. Olive seems to have improved a little already. I've also used a tip i saw on another post to blow on her when she goes to bite which has worked as she backs away rather than me! I gave them some cheerio type hoops through the bars this morn and although i think olive was trying to bite rather than take it at least she realised something good can come of my fingers being there! Rudy was too shy to take one from me bless him.
But now i have a new prob..... this morning they decided to show their love for eachother in a more physical way :rotfl Rudy is certainly living upto his name! He also wolf whistles :rotfl has done since i got him, the breeder told me thats how i'd know which was which! But this behaviour is making me doubt what the breeder told me about their age even more, what do u think? Should they be doing this at 7m old? I was under the impression it was more after 1yr? I don't want to breed them and haven't got a nest or anything and although they have a natural type toy that they could use as nesting material, i clean out the bits they shred off when i clean the cage so im just hoping they dont lay eggs on the cage floor :confused:
Thanks again :)

05-11-2011, 08:44 AM
Hi, from what I have read Peach face Lovies they can mature at 6 mo. old and possibly ( I think) start a family at 10 mo. old. They should not of course be bred before 18mo. old.
But since you are not wanting to breed these birds, I would recommend removing anything that is shreddable/paper or could be used as nesting material including a happy hut or anything that could be used as a nest. This will help get those ideas out of the birds heads...
I am not an expert and have only had my Lovies for a few months- so really I am only able to share what I have read from others experiences. I hope this helps and I hope you continue to have good success with your new Lovies.:)

05-11-2011, 03:53 PM
Thank you, there's so much to learn! But thats all part of the fun and enjoyment isn't it :)

05-11-2011, 09:56 PM
Fun? is that why most people do this?... hmmm... I just do it to support my lovebird adiction:rofl: I should look into this "Fun" thing more...:rofl: