View Full Version : Roudybush Pellet

09-23-2005, 03:50 PM
Well...I've always heard about how great roudybush is, etc. etc. Right now my birdies are on a tropican/lafeber pellet mix.

I was on another board, and someone said they emailed roudybush asking for samples, and they received a generous amount w/in days.

So I emailed them earlier, and I was surprised they responded rather quickly!

Just wanted to let others on here know that they too can receive free samples by emailing them if you want your birdies to try it!

I'll let you know what they send!

09-25-2005, 09:58 AM
Samples that you recieve from any company are tax write-offs and some can be very generous. I would continue to use what you are using rather than switching. While Roudybush makes a decent pellet, preservatives have always been the issue with me. I no longer use pellets but when I did, I was using Ziegler.

09-26-2005, 08:38 AM
Just my own thoughts on this but there are really only two organic pellets that are available. One is called TOPS and the other is Foundation Formula. I have an ekkie at home and they are very nutritionally sensitive. My ekkie toe-tapped and wing-flipped, common symptoms of discomfort, on both harrison's and roudybush. I feed very few pellets, 2 teaspoons or one tablespoon, to the eckie per week and one teaspoon per day to my lovebirds (they are harder to get to eat veggies, despite my best efforts). I wouldn't feed them at all to the ekkie and would wean the lovebirds off of them if I could except I live in South Florida and one of these days I'm going to get nailed with a hurricane. When that happens, I want to make sure they can and will eat a diet of non-fresh foods if they have to.
With the TOPS or Foundation Formula I haven't seen any ill-effects in my ekkie so I feel much more comfortable feeding them to my little ones. However, if I didn't have an ekkie I probably never would have thought about it. Especially since the TOPS and FF are significantly more expensive. Just some food for thought on pellets....

joan gault
10-01-2005, 11:35 AM
I too received a generous supply of Roudybush and have given some mixed in with my birds usual seed supply. I tend to mix up the brand of seeds I use just so that my birds don't get use to the same brand all the time and won't eat anything else. I try to look for the best nutrition and no preservative ones but I find the non presverative ones have a very strong "orange" or something smell to them and the birds aren't crazy about them. Has anyone else found this also? Am I do any harm by mixing their diet? They seem to all be really healthy.