View Full Version : Helpppp, Keep 2 Month Love Bird Out Of Cage

05-10-2011, 06:37 PM
Ive had him for about 3 weeks and he hangs out on top of his cage with toys and rope but i do not make him go into his cage, only when i leave the room. Is this good or bad? pictures in an hour. Thanks

05-10-2011, 07:53 PM
Hi. And welcome to Lovebirdsplus! .. As long as you supervise your new lovebird, and spend time handling him, I don't see much problem allowing your lovebird to remain out. .. Do keep in mind though, many lovebirds will soon follow some form of consistency, i.e., if you take them out every morning at a certain time, or allow them out most the day, they may gain the expectation you'll continue to do the same every single day. .. Sometimes its best to schedule various activities, especially if you plan on anything else that may not include your lovebird.

Never leave your lovebird out and unattended. .. From escaping, to getting lost behind walls, or getting stepped on because the owner wasn't aware their bird was floorbound, we've had many a curious lovie get themselves into serious trouble in a heartbeat. (So placing him back in his cage when you leave the room is really the best thing to do!)... Have you reviewed our "Behavior and taming" forum yet? ...............:)