View Full Version : A wee catch up...

09-23-2005, 07:09 PM
Hi all!! :D
Been a looooong time, so I thought id post and let you all in on the goss :D

My hubby and I fell in love with a Rainbow lorikeet (VERY unusual for hubby ;) ) So we are now the VERY proud owners of a male lori (5 mths old) whom we have named "Nova" after the wee lovie we lost a few months ago. He is just like a dog...Sooooooo funny! He likes to play "rough and tumble" rolls on his back for a tummy skritch..just hilarious :rofl: and bath time... what a hoot!!
I have down sized my lovies due to my work commitment, I now have just one pair left, the others went to different breeders, one breeder came 4 hours to get my Lutino pair!
SnowBoardMandy arrived a few weeks ago, and has been at her new job in Whakatane, and is on her way here again today for another night, before she goes on a trip to see N.Z. She is a honey! :D And cant wait to see Nova..Ill try and take a pic of them both tonight.

Take care y'all...

Buy A Paper Doll
09-23-2005, 07:42 PM
Nicky! I was wondering about you! So glad to hear from you. :)

09-23-2005, 08:41 PM
Yes, Nicky, great to hear form you and your new Lorikett sounds like a wonderful birdie! Tell Mandy, hi! :D

09-23-2005, 08:51 PM
Hello glad to see you. I have been reading about Mandy's trip and she has been busy but looks fun. Congrads on the new bird. They are so beautiful I agree.


09-23-2005, 09:42 PM
Hey Nicky,

Glad to hear all is well, and you know I'm looking for pics of that lori don't ya?????? :lol

Please do post of some pics of your visit with Mandy, and tell her I'm glad she is having such a good time.



09-23-2005, 10:16 PM
"Ok all you desparate housewives" (from Nicky)

Hello! It's been a while since I've had time to stop in here as well, but I just uploaded some photos for you to see!


Hopefully that works, imagestation was not being very friendly today.

I'm at Nicky's house right now, the new birdy is a sweetheart. Tons of personality, and is much more playful than any of the lovebirds I've been around...and what a tongue! :P

Life in New Zealand is going well, I'm having a lot of fun, meeting some interesting people (and finally some cute boys yesterday), and now I have a 2 week holiday which I'm going to use to travel all around the South Island. I can't wait. I'll be keeping my website updated with my adventures (as I have been) so stop by and see it if you haven't in a while!


Hope all is well, I haven't had a chance to read about all of your news on this site, but hope to catch up one day!


09-23-2005, 10:44 PM
Tons of personality, and is much more playful than any of the lovebirds I've been around

Mandy, good to see you! My new boys could give you a run for your money......they are very playful and lots of fun to be around. :D

09-24-2005, 01:39 AM
We still love our lovies :)
Loris are just different... And cos he's my baby, he's the best! ;) :D

Mandy is in the lounge being licked to death by Nova :lol He's got a "special" toy...A cat mouse with a feather tail that he "attacks" and rolls around with...Maybe I shold have called him Puss or Rover :lol

09-24-2005, 08:44 AM
Mandy, Nicky,

Those are great, but I can't see Nova very well. Nicky, I know you will be taking tons more of that little beauty, so will watch for more ;) (Pushy aren't I??? :lol )


It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. What a life adventure for you this has been. Good for you :)

09-24-2005, 10:25 AM
Well, Nicky & Mandy, it sure is good to hear from both of you. :D

Mandy, I've read some on your journal website. You sure are having a great trip!! I'm glad to hear you finally get a holiday. Sounds like you needed a break from all your hard work and now you get to play with lovies & a Lorikeet. Have a good time touring too.

Nicky, I'm sorry you had to give up most of your lovies. I know that must have been a hard thing to do. May be things will change later for you.

Y'all keep in touch!

09-24-2005, 10:44 AM
This time I saw Nova when I looked at the photos! :D What a BEAUTY he is!!!!! Don't know how I missed it the first time.....maybe I was concentrating on you two girls and didn't see Nova hanging on the shirt! :lol How cool that you've gotten to meet and spend a little time together! :)

Mandy, I've been sitting here, reading your journal and CRACKING UP! :rofl: The kids pants falling down, :omg:, too funny! Sounds like you really are having the time of your life and will have wonderful memories from this glorious trip! I'll keep checking in for updates! :D

09-26-2005, 12:22 PM
Hi Nicky and Mandy! Glad to hear from both of you! Nova looks like an absolute darling......why do I envision Nicky with a house full of lorikeets soon? ;)
Mandy, careful of that Nicky lady, she'll corrupt you horribly! :rofl: And when you come back to the states, bring her and some of those loris along huh?!!!

09-26-2005, 12:26 PM
Nicky, a corrupting influence? :lol Perish the thought! ;)

Better watch out, Mandy. :omg: