View Full Version : beginner question

05-12-2011, 09:05 PM
Hello! I'm new to this whole owning a lovebird thing, well this whole owning a bird thing in general, and I guess I have a question. I have had Navi for about a month now and she seems to be doing well. Earlier in the month she would sit on my hand in my room without making a fuss or excessively trying to get back into her cage. For the past week every time I try to bring her out of the cage she scurries over to the side of it and clings to the bars. She will still step up but as soon as I remove her from the cage she tries to return to it with all her little lovebird cunning. I was wondering if this is normal behavior that needs to be broken by continuing to show her that being out of the cage is no threat to her, or if I am pushing too hard and should back off of removing her from the cage. She is not quite tame and I was probably the first person to handle her. Any suggestions would be welcome!

05-12-2011, 11:29 PM
Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get educated on all things Lovie! I am also new to lovebirds and have learned so much from this forum, the people here are so helpful.
Our family has had great success with clicker training our pets. We have seen amazing results in a short period of time. There are several threads on this website that can give you more info. on clicker training, if it's something you're interested in.

Also, try taking your lovie in a different room away from his cage for play time. The cage is his home and Lovies can get territorial about their cages. If he doesn't see it he can focus better on you with play time. I hope this helps.