View Full Version : I can not be a breeder

05-14-2011, 08:22 AM
Another baby left for his new home yesterday afternoon and I am so sad. Maybe it's a control thing where now I have no control over what happens with my babies. I don't know. I hate that a baby left here, having no clue as to what is going on. I know the girls who took each of my 2 babies, and I know that they'll be good to them. And, they know that if they need anything, even if it is to return the baby, I will gladly help. But, still I am saddened. And, the remaining baby lost his buddy :very_sad:

I have to practice better birdie birth control cause I can't go thru this again and again. :very_sad:

Whine session over for a bit. :blush:

05-14-2011, 08:33 AM
One of my biggest problems is finding new homes for my beloved babies!! I'll forfeit a sale before I place one where I'm not sure about its care. I also gladly take them back should things not work out.

05-14-2011, 11:02 AM
I don't know how you do it Linda. :very_sad: I started with 1 lovebird. I only wanted one. Then out of pressure, I got him a friend. Stupid stupid!! I love Oreo, but she has hurt so many birds and destroyed so many of my things including the woodwork in the house. Hubby would be happy if she were rehomed >: :( She's just being a bird.

Then came Peaches, a chronic egg layer who I thought I could help. :blush: Ha!!

Then came Beanie who was a sick lovebird and when he passed away, even though I kind of knew he was going to, it really hurt. So, to help that hurt, I got a baby.

The same place that I got the baby from had a little boy Fischers who needed a home. So he came home and immediately bonded to Oreo. Are you all keeping track? So, now I am up to 5. I went BACK to the store and in a cage was a pitiful looking guy with a deformed beak and one leg. So, he came home. Now I am up to 6.

Oreo and Mango (the Fischers) had 5 babies but sadly two didn't make it so now I have 9 lovebirds! Hubby says no way, uh-huh! :( So I give 2 to a friend and keep one. :nyah: to hubby.

The 2 I gave away end up being killed by her dog. She should have known better because it had happened once before with her "beloved" conure. I should have known better than to give her 2 of MY babies!! >:

Oreo has a second clutch, but thankfully, she only has 3 babies this time. They snuck this clutch in on me. This is her last clutch because precious Mango got spooked and flew straight into my storm door. I don't know how he did it because he was clipped, but the door is down a flight of steps so it must have been just the right speed and angle to kill him on impact.

The total now is up 3 and down 3. :confused: Now I'm confused LOL that still makes 9 (unless I am missing someone). One baby left last week, and one baby left yesterday so I am down 2 more which makes 7!! Peanut, Oreo, Peaches, Kiwi, Lolli, Rudy, and Peter.

And I only wanted 1!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistle:

05-14-2011, 01:43 PM
Dear Jally,
I am so sorry. Having babies is one big letting go because eventually they grow up, get independent. But someday, they are the parents and will finally appreciate all you did for them.
No one will ever love your babies as much or the same as you do. (any babies, bird babies, human babies, etc.)
Commiserating with you today, because soon I will be going through the same thing...

05-14-2011, 01:59 PM
I know what you mean... when Mika's mom had the clutch he was in, I ended up keeping him because he was my very, very first born. Interestingly, as well, his coloration was different as everyone else looked either just like mom (Dutch Blue) or dad (Creamino). I knew he was special and had to keep him. I had ended up giving the babies away to friends because you figure your friends will take good care of them. I get the call from one of them like a week or two later that she came out of the shower and both of the birds were WET and under a towel. WTF?? :confused: Needless to say, it either had to be her young daughter that did something or the million other people living in her house (she's Filipino, so there's generations of people under one roof). That broke my heart.

Even now, I find it EXTREMELY difficult to let go of fosters to people - even after we do our due diligence with screening and interviewing. In the end, you do your best but YOU NEVER KNOW. Sometimes I wish I could get myself a pair so I could continue to experience the baby phase I love so much, but the bf constantly reminds me that I'd never be able to give the babies up and we'd just end up with more birds than we can handle. He's right, especially with how expensive vet bills are here, but it doesn't take away the yearning for baby birdies...

Does your pair have a constant nest box? How did she "sneak" a clutch on you?

05-14-2011, 06:31 PM
Thank you all for understanding what I am going through. I got pictures from both moms and the babies are doing well. The mom that just took her baby yesterday, she had a list a mile long of questions to ask and I printed out the Intro to Lovebirds from the home page. So she is supplied (pummeled LOL) with lots of info.

Maya, Oreo and Mango had just had a clutch and the babies still wanted to sleep in the nest. This being my first time having babies, I thought that they wouldn't lay so soon with babies still in the nest. I caught the first couple of eggs and boiled them, but then I lost track of which ones I boiled :( Hindsight and everything, I know now that I should have marked the eggs some how. :blush:

05-14-2011, 10:12 PM
One of the reasons I've cut way, way back on the number of babies I have is because of our economy and how difficult it is to find stable, loving, forever homes for any kind of pet right now. Seems like when times get hard and the going gets rough, the first thing to go is the pet. I care too much about my babies to put them in that kind of situation.

You can always refer new owners here if need be. One thing we don't lack is information, that's for sure!!!