View Full Version : Anyone from Saskatoon?

09-23-2005, 08:36 PM
I was just curious what exactly it would be like to live there. I still haven't decided on a specific career, but I've always wanted to be a vet (possibly specialize in the avian area), and since that's where'd I'd have to go to accomplish this, it would be appreciated if anyone has any sort of information. I mean, of course I can look at internet sites, but I'd also like personal opinions concerning weather, costs of living, generally what the city's like...So yeah, thanks. :)

09-25-2005, 12:51 AM
I grew up in a small city 1.5 hours west of Saskatoon, but I went to university for seven years at U of S in Saskatoon. It is a truly beautiful city, and the university there is fabulous, right on the riverbank.

The cost of living is fairly low, for a relatively large city, and jobs are not too hard to find, considering it is Saskatchewan. It is about the nicest city in the province, and draws a lot of newcomers every year. They have the most diverse employment and career market in the province as well.

People are very friendly there and the crime rate is low. Once people move there, they have a hard time leaving. I think you would probably like it a lot. The weather is colder than where I live, Calgary, but it is probably about the same as Manitoba.

09-26-2005, 03:39 PM
Thanks. :) I was hoping it'd be a bit warmer than Winnipeg, but it probably isn't going to be. Anyhow, it sounds nice enough, and hopefully I'll be there in a few years.