View Full Version : Common?

09-23-2005, 09:24 PM
Hello! My name is Michael and I adopted a peach faced lovebird about a week ago from a pet store.

Since I work during the day, I take Mimi out of her/his cage in the evenings. The first few days, I had little trouble getting her out. She perched on my finger quickly and after a few days, hardly flew away from me at all. However, the past two days, it has been extremely diificult getting her out of her cage. Any suggestions?

Also, I have given her some kind of "real" food everyday, varying it from peaches to apples to eggs to cucumber and she just does not seem interested and doesn't touch it. Is this normal?

I talk to her alot and read to her and play music for her and she really seems to respond to my voice. Anyway, e-mail me or reply to my post if you have any suggestions or advice for a virgin lovebird owner...

Michael :blush:

09-23-2005, 09:38 PM
Hi Michael,

Welcome to the board. There is tons of information here, so take some time to read through all the forums, and also look through the "Your Attention Please" forum, in there you will find things that are safe/unsafe for your lovie, things you probably never thought of.

If your lovies wings are not clipped, I would get her a modified wing clip, 4-5 flight feathers off each wing. This will allow her to fly short distances, but not too fast, and not too high. This is for her safety first, but will also make her more dependent on you, thus making the bonding/taming process easier for you both.

Some birds prefer you not to put your hands in their cage, and if this is what she objects to, try using an extra perch to get her out. Just put the perch in slowly, press it gently into her lower abdomen, and press upward, saying "Step Up". After you get her out, try and practice "Step Up" with your finger. This will help her not feel threatened by your hands, and make your hand more acceptable in the future.

Keep offering fresh fruits and veggies, but try one one each day for at least two weeks, say a green bean and an apple slice or whatever you choose. It will help if you eat some in front of her, or at least pretend to and make it sound really good by making excited Yummmm sounds. Lovies are notorious for wanting what you have, so act like you take a bite, then offer it to her, don't however offer a piece you have actually bitten off of though, as our saliva is full of harmful bacteria to them.

It sounds like you all are doing really well for the short time that you have had her though, so just keep up the interaction and talking to her. Time, love, patience and everyday interaction is key to forming a bonded relationship and earning her trust, and it sounds like you are on the right track :)

Please post us some pics of Mimi when you get some in the photo forum.

C-ya round the board.