View Full Version : new bird keeps flying away from me :(

05-19-2011, 03:06 AM
Hi! I'm a long-time bird owner but I'm brand new to lovebirds and it's been a while since I tamed a new bird. I just got Coco, a female (I think) peachface ~5 mos. She came to me secondhand from a family who could not care for her.

She was hand raised and extremely friendly when I first met her but now that I have her home she is suddenly very skittish. She hops up on my hand to come out of the cage but once out she just flies all around the house and won't let me near her. Her wings are clipped so she can't go far but just keeps flying from one perch to the next. At first I thought it was a "chase" game she was playing and I ignored it, but any time I get close she seems frantic to get away. I have to bust out the towel to get her back in the cage. I hate doing this because it doesn't help build trust but I don't know what else to do. It's strange...she's not scared of my hand in her cage but once out she won't let me near. Should I leave her in the cage until she becomes more used to her surroundings?

Previous owners hardly ever took her out because she was biting (hesitant hand syndrome). I want her to know that she can come out and play now that she's with me. I also don't want to leave her in the cage all the time because it's tiny! She came with the cage, toys, etc. and even though I have a new bigger cage for her I haven't switched it over yet because right now the old cage is the only familiar thing in a strange new world. How long should I wait before I make the switch?

Reading through other posts has been really helpful and I will try using a stick instead of the towel to get her back in the cage. Any other advice will be greatly appreciated!


05-20-2011, 12:53 AM
Getting her to step on to the stick has been a real success. Once on the stick I bribe her onto my hand with a palm-full of millet. Things seem to be going well :) Now that she's on my hand, the biting issue is coming out but I expected that and we're working through it. She still likes to make me chase her around but all in all we're getting along famously! In fact, right now she is cuddled up against my neck underneath my hair... soo cute!!!:blush:

05-20-2011, 02:28 AM
That's great you're already making progress! Though she is tame, she is probably just skittish because she is now in a TOTALLY different and new environment with different people. In time, she will definitely come around. How much time depends on each bird. One thing to remember is to always develop the relationship on the birds terms. :) If the bird doesn't want to or is not ready to do something, don't force.

BTW, where are the pics??? :)

05-20-2011, 08:48 AM
that's exciting progress with your new bird, congrats! Also, welcome to the forum.:)
would love to see pics soon, you know, to help support Lovie addictions.:)

05-20-2011, 01:09 PM
Having trouble getting pics up.... is there a way to upload that I'm missing? Seems like it can only come from another website???

Put up an avatar pic for now... hard to get her to hold still for the camera unless she's chewing on something shiny! lol

05-20-2011, 01:26 PM
Yes, you'll have to load your photos onto a photo-hosting site and then post them here.

Your birdy looks adorable! I can't wait to see bigger pics!!

05-20-2011, 03:56 PM
She could also associate your hand with going back in the cage... she might enjoy her out time. :D

I've always heard if the hand fails, try a perch and you did that and it worked. :rotfl

Cudos to you for figuring it out on your own!

05-20-2011, 04:50 PM
Yeah, she wants to be out ALL the time. She'll fly away if she knows I'm trying to get her back in the cage without her wanting it. I woke up this morning to chirps coming from different areas of the house. She had escaped and was happily flying around, chirping and pooping everywhere lol. I have clothespins on the cage doors but she managed to get one off and get out. Luckily I was there when it happened and could make sure she didn't get into trouble. I've learned my lesson: now there's DOUBLE clothespins on every door. Lol, the things our birdies come up with make us run around catering to/try to outsmart them!:rofl: