View Full Version : New pair of birds- I need some HALP >.<

05-24-2011, 06:26 AM
Hello people,
I`ve bought a "pair" of lovebirds yesterday. The woman said they were a couple, but
after looking online, I found out that 1 is Fischer, and 1 is a blue-rosey one, which means they can`t be bread together; they are about 9 months old.Then of course now I doubt what they said about being a pair as well.
secondly, I have seen lovebirds in petshops before, and these don`t act like a couple; no nibbling each other, kissing and stuff at all. they do tend to scream a bit at times, and do snuggle up, but only when I pass the cage. They do fight a little at times.
They seem to be quite wild, especially the blue one, and I thought I`d ask what to do.My thoughts were:
1. Get a small cage and separate them. They probably did bond, I thought it might be cruel?
2. Just leave them as they are, but I wont have them tamed nor bred.
Please let me know if you have any ideas at all!

05-24-2011, 07:33 AM
Hi Vik and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! Congratulations on acquiring your 2 new lovebirds. How you handle them depends on what you want/expect from them.

If you have any photos that you can share with us, we should be able to tell you what you have. Obviously, the person who finalized the sale with you didn't tell you the truth so we just have to pick up the pieces and see what happens.

If they don't get along well, I would probably put them in separate side by side cages so that both are safe and they can get to know each other better if they don't already. If they are well acquainted, you could have a pair of hens and many hens will squabble if kept in the same cage.

At any rate, we will do our best to help you sort things out so that your new lovebirds get proper care. :)

05-24-2011, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the quick reply!
Well, for now here is a picture of them. I do have the feeling that they are both the same gender.
I already see some good signs actually, they are much better than yesterday! Trying the click training now, but they are scared of my hand so they won`t take the food. yet :)
SO, you think it`s worth putting them in separate cages to see how they go on?

05-24-2011, 02:48 PM
OK. What you have appears to be a Green Masked Lovebird and a blue series Peachfaced Lovebird. Can't really get a good close look at the facial coloring so I can tell you specifically which blue series mutation you have but they are definitely different species and should not be bred together. Different species of lovebird have different personality traits and combining them into offspring can create babies that don't know who they really are. They think like both species and behavior can be conflicting. One good example of confused hybrid behavior (in females) is nest building. Masked hens carry nesting material in their beaks. Peachie hens stuff it in their rump feathers. Hybrids do it ??????????

If you have 2 males, they will live together and be happy campers. Two females usually don't get along, although there are exceptions. If they squabble a lot and you see even minor injuries to either bird, put them in side by side cages.

05-24-2011, 05:58 PM
It sounds like a kind of scam. It is not correct to sell 2 birds of different species just as a pair! The woman would have had to warn you that you were buying two birds of different species, after you could choose if buy or no. You can also keep them but in your shoes, I would go to say at the woman that her behaviour is not correct and honest.

05-25-2011, 05:56 AM
Thanks for the info+opinions guys! :)
I do think it wasn`t nice of the woman to say they were a pair, but I think it wouldn`t be nice to just get rid of them just because they can`t be bred. I only had budgies and cocatoos before so I had no idea. :) I don`t blame her, maybe she was told as well. Also I could have checked it on the net. Nevermind, I do adore them ^^
I do think they can be tamed, as they are showing improvement even tho I only had them for a couple of days. The blue one is the cause of all panic, so I might try to put them in separate cages.
There is no injuries or anything on the birds, they have been in the same cage for months as I was told, so they don`t hurt each other. I just thought not cuddling and hitting each other on the head might be a sign that they are both males/females.
Sounds more like marriage to me lol xD