View Full Version : is this a healthy baby lovebird behavior?

05-24-2011, 07:55 PM
Hi, I just got a baby lovebird 3 days ago. Her name is Summer, and she's not fully weaned yet - she eats millets by herself but still depends on handfeeding formulas.

She's unusually calm for a lovebird - when I take her out, she stays still on the same spot for awhile, occasionally make a few steps. Before I feed her, she's dead quiet and still like a statue - not puffed up or anything, she just stands with her eyes open. She's a bit unresponsive. when I reach her, she either backs away or stays at the same spot as if she can't see me.

The thing is, I'm not sure if this is because she's still intimidated by the new environment (this is the third day she's here, afterall), if this is part of her personality, or if she's really sick. She doesn't show any other symptoms of illness (her droppings look good, she's puffed up only when she's falling asleep), but seems to seek rest A LOT - when I brought her home for the first time, I calmed her by holding her closely to my heart so that she hears my heartbet (I read somewhere that this is supposed to be soothing) and she loves it so much that that's the only thing she ever wants to do.

Basiclally, this is what happens - I take her out to feed her, which is the time she's very quiet and still. I start feeding her and she starts making noises and becomes active. After she's fed, she tries to climb up to my hand and my chest and just sets herself right in my hand - When I scratch her head as she falls asleep, her body is so relaxed that even if I put her away from my body, her sleeping position retains. Once she was sleeping almost sideways (Her feet on my chest) and I detached her from my chest, and she was still sleeping sideways, her feet touching the air!

Now if I put her away from me, she searches for another warm spot to settle in - between my armpits, under my shirts, between my hands, anywhere. It seems like the only thing she wants to do when she's out, she just seeks for a place to rest and once she's there, she stays there for a really long time.

I'm wondering if this is a healthy behavior for a baby lovebird. The last lovebird I handfed was extremely active and curious, and while Summer is really adorable the way she is, I'm just a bit worried if she's sick. I'm planning to take her to the vet this saturday because I have work during the weekdays but if this is a sign of illness I'm probably gonna have her checked up ASAP.

Please help this clueless mommy! thanks =)

05-24-2011, 11:09 PM
Although, I don't know have much experience with lovebirds, I can share my story about Yoshi who I have had for about 4 weeks. Plus I have read a good bit on this forum and a parakeet forum that I belong to.

Well you have only had her for 3 days, so it's very possible she is still getting used to her surroundings. I'm assuming she's less than 12 weeks old since she is still being handfed she's still a baby and has just been moved from her siblings and/or mom. You are probably her only comfort right now because she depends on you to feed her and take care of her. This is why she is so "comfortable" enough to sleep and rest on you even when she is being moved.

My little Yoshi had just been weaned when I got him and for the first couple days, he wasn't eating so I had to handfeed him. It only took a couple days of handfeeding before he starting eating on his own again. All he wanted was to sit on my shoulder (which he still wants to do all the time, LOL 4 weeks in) He wasn't really active at first. He would either sit on a perch, hang on the side of the cage, or sit on my shoulder. He still isn't really active outside his cage. He is a shoulder baby and doesn't want to be anywhere else when he's out. But after about two weeks of him being here, he became more active inside his cage. He plays with toys now, climbs all over, etc.

I think her "activeness" may all depend on how old your lovebird is and what species he is.
She sounds like she's normal to me. But birds do have a way of hiding sicknesses very well but in my opinion, it just all sounds like normal baby lovebird behavior. Hopefully someone with more experience can weigh in on this.

A well checkup couldn't hurt though! Just to ease your mind.

05-25-2011, 12:11 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! Congratulations on your new lovebird.

How old is he/she supposed to be? Do you have any photos that you can share with us? I'm interested in seeing front view and a picture of the back, tail feathers included. How often are you hand feeding and how much formula do you give at each feeding? What formula are you using?

Since your lovebird is still a baby, the behavior might be normal. Hard for me to say just yet.

05-25-2011, 07:33 PM

Thank you for your replies! Kimberly, I agree with you - after I read what you said, I realized that she's still a baby and all that's been happening with her must be confusing and exhausting. It made me glad that she found comfort in my hand!

And Linda, herre are some pictures of Summer:



As you can see, she doesn't exhibit any physical signs of sickness, and her droppings are fine. But maybe these pictures might reveal something to other people.

I'm handfeeding her twice a day: once in the morning (6:30) and once in the evening (7:00). She eats millets and nibbles on some food I left for her in the cage (seeds, vegetables, etc). I feed her Kaytee's Exact Formula, about 3 grams per meal - after those, she doesn't want to eat anymore even if I try to feed her a few minutes after.

And one more question: can you guys provide me some ingith on weaning process? All I know is leaving some adult bird food in the cage, haha. I head nutri-berries are good so I'm planning to get some soon.

05-25-2011, 09:31 PM
I heard that avicakes are good too. You'll have to crumble them up though. You can try the birdy cornbread too. http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?190-Homemade-Cornbread/page4

They usually are fully weaned by 10 weeks when handfed. But some may take longer. How many cc's are you feeding each time? I think by 6 weeks, they can take up to 8cc's. Not sure what you meant by 3 grams???

But I'm guessing she's a little older...maybe 10 weeks? Since she doesn't have any black on her beak. Is she eating any of the regular seed?? Also, it would be a good time to offer fresh veggies, (corn, broccoli) If she learns to like it early, it will be easier when she gets older.

I have this link but I think they start weaning a lot earlier than most do but it may help.


Personally, I've only had to handfeed a couple times when Yoshi came home because he wasn't eating, but I read up on all the handfeeding stuff when I was thinking of buying an unweaned birdy. I'm only sharing information that I've read, not from experience.

05-25-2011, 09:34 PM
Oh and by the way, Summer is gorgeous!

05-27-2011, 08:23 PM
Thank you for your advice, Kimberly!
your Yoshi looks quiet beautiful too =D

05-27-2011, 09:50 PM
You're welcome and thank you.

My little disclaimer: LOL

But like I said, I am just passing info that I've read at one time or another, I can't be for certain that all the information I suggested is necessarily correct.