View Full Version : Herbie's not flying!

05-25-2011, 11:26 AM
Hi all.

A couple weeks ago, Herbie just "forgot" how to fly. He's almost 2 and he has had no previous problems flying. It's just kind of stopped one day. He'll head bob and spread his wings or get prepared to fly but he won't take off. He is fully flighted, btw.

I'm really starting to get concerned. I've poked around and think he either injured his foot or his shoulder, but he doesn't really react to touch.

Any ideas?

We also have another bird who is almost a year old and she finally got 3 feathers on one side and 2 on the other, but she's not flying much either. Do you think he's mimicking her? I'm out of answers. Please let me know what you think.

- Julie
- who's getting married in 4 days!! :D

05-25-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi Julie,
Does Herbie have any new wing feathers coming in that might bother him or are there any visible injuries anywhere under his wings or around his shoulders? I think I'd be very tempted to have an x-ray done of each wing to see if, perhaps, there's a hairline fracture in any of the wing bones. Does he hold his wings in the same position he's always held them in? If you have a really good avian vet, I might the same question by him.

As for your other bird, chances are she's not flown in a while so she's hesitant. Did she have what I would call a severe clip prior to the new feathers coming in?