View Full Version : newbie

05-25-2011, 07:07 PM
I just got 2 lovebirds 3 days ago. Ive been reading everything on the blogs that i can find,about hand taming them. She said that they where babies just born in 1/11 and 2/11. I have been sitting and talking to them. When i leave the room they are chatty and when i come back in they are still chatty for a few minutes then they stop. My question is are they becoming comfortable with me? thanks

05-25-2011, 10:31 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! Congratulations on your 2 new lovebirds. :)

Just being around them and paying attention to them is where you start the taming process. Lovebirds are naturally curious so while you are watching them, they are doing the same thing with you. Birds learn trust through experience and you can't hurry things along. It can be a matter of a few weeks or as long as even a year before they accept you as a member of their flock. Once they do, you may very well find yourself with velcro birdies who would prefer to be on you than any place else! Love, kindness and patience will be well rewarded.

05-26-2011, 04:19 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Lovebirds are very social and interactive. I have found with mine that they are big on body language and notice little things.
For example, just by eating near their cage they will take that as you trust them enough to eat in front of them and they will return that trust and eat in front of you. It seems like a little thing, but to a little bird it is huge. They won't eat in front of a predator, so that means they don't see you as a predator. Always remember patience, and baby steps. Because all those "little things" add up to a lot of love.
:) We hope you have great success with your new Lovies and hope to see pics and updates.

05-26-2011, 05:35 PM
Welcome to the forum!

05-26-2011, 08:55 PM
Welcome to the forum! Hope to see pics of your new "babies" one day soon!:happy::happy::happy: