View Full Version : It's summer, the baby is toddling, and I resolve to start posting more!

05-29-2011, 12:56 AM
I have soooo missed this place! I've lurked here and there, but just haven't had the time to read and post here as much as I used to. Becoming a human mommy was a lot more demanding than being a parront.... especially since I couldn't use the cage. lol. kidding!

Anyhoo.. now that DS (dear son) is a little over a year old and sleeping a little bit more predictably... AND being that I am on summer break, I am going to make it a point to relax here in the evenings and try to post some updated pictures of my Sunnybird, who has weathered having the new addition quite well.

skritches to all around the room! :rotfl

05-31-2011, 01:44 PM
Hi nice to meet you! I love your wet stinky birdie pic!

05-31-2011, 09:13 PM
Welcome back and it is very good to see you.

I am back after a hiatus as well. I posted occasionally, but have resolved to post more often. I am happy that you will be around as well. :)