View Full Version : Creating a Bond

05-31-2011, 07:55 PM
I've been lurking for awhile now (both here and on every other lovebird article I could find), and I'm still not quite sure where to start with making a bond between myself and Mango.

A little background information.

My older sister decided to let her 11 year old son try having a lovebird because he was showing himself to be more responsible with his chores and school work. So, she bought two young lovebirds for him to choose from.

He made his choice and she offered the other lovebird to me. She has had Mango for around two months now. She was originally keeping the two lovies separated, but at Easter she put them together because of company and not wanting the birds to get in the way or keep us awake.

Anyways, Mango bonded with the other lovie pretty fast, and was just separated around three weeks ago.

I've been at my sister's now for a week and have been trying to get Mango to love me XD

I read lots of different articles about taming, but I want an actual bond, not just a bird that will step on to my finger because I told it to.

So far I've been sitting in the room with him, talking with him a bit (I feel like I'm talking to myself though), and leaving the cage door open so that he can have a bit of freedom (I'm watching, don't worry).

Mango still gets nervous when I walk up to the cage, scrambles when I put my hand in to change the water, and just doesn't seem cool with me =P

Any advice would be much loved.

Treats for reading:

Combat (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/Sarcasm--Whats-That/Combat2.jpg)
Combat (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/Sarcasm--Whats-That/Combat.jpg)
Combat is the other lovebird that my sister bought

Mango (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/Sarcasm--Whats-That/Mango.jpg)
Mango (http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a125/Sarcasm--Whats-That/Mango5.jpg)

05-31-2011, 09:15 PM
Well, I got really lucky...Yoshi bonded with me in just a few days. He is a velcro birdy if I've ever seen one. He was handfed as a baby so he never feared humans. But parent raised babies can bond too. So don't let that throw you off.

But the parakeet I had, I don't believe ever really bonded with me. I had him for about 3 months. I got him from petsmart when he was around 4 months old. When I first got him, he wanted nothing to do with me or my hand. But after about a month, he learned the step-up command. I had his cage right beside me all through the day. I talked to him, fed him treats, etc. But I don't think he ever truly bonded to me. Sadly he passed away and I never got to know if he would have bonded with me or not.

I think it depends on the bird, for one. But actual bonding takes time just like it does with any pet. It just seems to take longer with birds because they are exotic pets. Especially if he has bonded with another bird. I believe that once he is "tamed" or somewhat "trained", that's when the bonding will start to happen. He has to "like" you and become comfortable around you first before he can bond with you.

Just keep up with what you're doing, and hopefully he'll see you as his friend and eventually will bond with you.

I'm sure more experienced people can give you some more input.

And by the way, both of the birdies are just so cute. I think I've done told you about Mango...and how I love the orange beak!

05-31-2011, 10:30 PM
Thank you for the quick responses. I'm not sure who clipped Combat, my sister said that he/she came already clipped. Personally I don't know if I'd trust myself enough to do it.

I might try buying some frozen fruit and eat them with Mango (defrosted of course). I am guilty of talking to him when he starts screeching though; I'll try not to.

I'll look into the baked goodies too, I'm sure Combat would like some too.