View Full Version : Johari Update

06-03-2011, 11:22 PM
I had a nice long visit with Johari today. She & George were having out of cage time when I came in & had the whole play area to themselves. The Happy Hut is gone & her (boiled) eggs were in an empty birdie bathtub on a paper towel. Louise said Johari has lost all interest in them but that George seems a little confused and still is trying to tend them. Johari was busy looking for shreddables. She looked good & happy & is getting REALLY fast on het little stump. And it is looking like Marvin is actually a hen...which may be why that didn't work out so well. They had a couple of budgies, courtesy of the ASPCA. Hmmm, should I return to my roots???? (They have been given a clean bill of health by the avian vet.) It was, after all, a budgie that turned me into a crazy bird lady after all :)

06-03-2011, 11:53 PM
Glad to hear that all is better with Johari. The responsible thing to do was to remove the hut. :)

They had a couple of budgies, courtesy of the ASPCA. Hmmm, should I return to my roots????
How would Gussie react?????????

06-04-2011, 12:04 AM
Glad to hear that all is better with Johari. The responsible thing to do was to remove the hut. :)

How would Gussie react?????????

I have thought of that. She was quite interested in Johari at first & I thought they were going to be friends. But I think that ended after a couple of bites :omg:

These two a a pair of bonded males, one blue & white and one green and yellow. They are only semi tame. I should probably leave well enough alone. But I LOVE budgie noises. I'm just thinking....probably will maintain the status quo unless or until somebirdie picks me. The way Beau & Buddy & Gussie did... And I know I can count one you to speak the voice of reason to me :)

06-07-2011, 10:47 AM
So glad Johari is doing well!