View Full Version : Advice please

06-04-2011, 02:28 AM
Hi Everyone.
My Lovies are,
Dookie the green peachface (Agapornis roseicollis),Female.
Dude the green masked (Agapornis personatus), Male.
Thank you Personatus for identifying them for me.
I now have them separated in cages side by side.

Now Dookie is screaming. Dude is spending most of his time climbing the side and top of cage chewing and clawing looking for a way to get in the other cage. I am afraid he will hurt himself.
They are both very scared of hands. The cage(s) is right next to my computer chair, so I am with them about 5 or 6 hours a day. Also I live where I work so I can pop in and say “hi” to them from time to time.

I can put my face right up to the cage and talk to them, even when they are eating. When I put my hand in to hang up some broccoli (so far the only veggie they eat) or change the water they scatter and get as far away as possible.
I can put my hand in palm up with some food in it but they just look at it.

At any rate based on some advice I have received on these forums I think I will put them back together, discourage nesting the best I can and slowly keep bonding with them at their pace.
Any thoughts or more advice would be welcomed.

06-04-2011, 05:11 AM
Sounds like a good move. They will be fine together :) For taming them, patience and consistancy are the key :)

06-05-2011, 11:26 AM
Hi, in my opinion, you can do both the solutions (first solution: separate them; second solution: keep them together) however if you choose the second solution then you have to ensure you that the cage is enough large to host both; so if one attacks the other one has always a way of escape.
For taming them, patience,consistency and much love are the key.

06-07-2011, 03:43 AM
Hi, in my opinion, you can do both the solutions (first solution: separate them; second solution: keep them together) however if you choose the second solution then you have to ensure you that the cage is enough large to host both; so if one attacks the other one has always a way of escape.
For taming them, patience,consistency and much love are the key.

Thanks Marc,
I made the decision to put them back in the same cage, and yes it is big enough for the 2 ( 18"x30"x34" ). I had bought it for them before I learned about the cross breeding issue. So for now I will study the breeding posts and do my best to discourage it.
My goal now is to be patient in befriending and bonding.:whistle:
