View Full Version : I don't understand some people

06-07-2011, 10:45 AM
I am not a purist, that is I don't have a personal problem with crossing eye ring species to get certain mutations but I am not a fan of the practice of breeding non eye rings to eye rings. I understand that it happens accidentally and that is to be expected and they can make wonderful pets but I ran across an ad for someone intentionally creating and selling eyering/ peachy crosses. I don't know why one would do that unless they are trying to target people who want two birds without the risk of mating perhaps? The price on the birds was $75.

06-07-2011, 12:00 PM
75 dollars, wow.

I disagree with breeding non-eyering to eyering full stop. Accidents happen yes, but they shouldn't happen. These are animals and there should be alot of research done before buying a bird, let alone breeding them. The basic elements of research would able one to tell the difference between the 9 species. IMO, no excuses.

06-07-2011, 01:35 PM
With something like this INTENTIONALLY being done, you know right away they are not a knowledgeable or reputable breeder. I would not be surprised if the people (ignorant people!) out there doing this are doing it to create "new" mutations or colorations of lovebirds so they have something different to sell. The general public doesn't know anything about parrots and there are a lot of people who would rather have a "unique" looking bird than the typical Peachfaced. It seems obvious by the $75 price tag that this is what's going on.

One time, I saw a hybrid being sold in a pet store here and it was literally advertised as a new mutation and being sold for around $100. I can't remember what it was being called, "Rosyface" or something, but it was a clear-cut hybrid.

Nothing against existing hybrids... like you guys said, sometimes stuff happens (though I agree it SHOULDN'T and breeders/pet owners should be much more vigilant) but I am totally against ALLOWING it to happen and, in this case, ENCOURAGING it to happen! >:

06-07-2011, 03:40 PM
Regarding transmutating mutations between eyering species - I'm not too bothered about this as long as it is 100% done correctly, which VERY few breeders do. The only time I would ever agree with it is when it's a brand new mutation that is not found ANYWHERE else in the world. Personally, even though I specialise in a mutation that was transmutated from fischers to masked many years ago (edged), I would rather it was was never done and we only stick the natural occuring mutations within the species.

That's another thing that annoys me...people who claim to create "new" mutations, then sell them for stupid money - it happens in all species of bird. This worries me because it clearly shows that person does not have the foggiest about genetics, or they are using it to fool people. NOBODY creates new mutations, it's physically impossible. Only mother nature gives us mutations, they can't be created.

/end rant