View Full Version : Mom's Doing Better

06-08-2011, 11:56 PM
Thank you all for your healing thoughts & prayers. Mom's hanging in there. Dr. thinks it was another stroke, complicated by dehydration. Now we're thinking creatively for ideas for nutritious, tastey popsicles, since icey foods seem to be the easiest think for her to eat.
Any suggestions?

06-09-2011, 12:15 AM
my kids love smoothies and just about any smoothie can also be frozen.
some favorites in our house are:

Cranberry and 7-up slushies
frozen berry and flax seed (we're weird like that)
Peanut butter and banana with some cocoa powder .

these are blender friendly and we often times add some milk or Greek yogurt, to taste.

Might be worth it to invest in a vita-mix machine and blend or puree with that.
hope this helps and I am glad that things are looking better for your mom.

06-09-2011, 08:10 AM
Ditto on the Vita-Mix. They are amazing! We use ours to add a lot of veggies to our fruit smoothies along with protein powder. We freeze berries, peaches, pineapple, cranberries & grapes. When these are added to the drinks less ice is needed.

A Vita-Mix makes great sherberts and will even make hot soup in small quantities.

We just love ours.

And, as with hiding healthy things in birdie bread for our birds, you can hide lots of healthy things in a smoothie! I use either soy milk or almond breeze in mine because I have problems with lactose.

Try adding apples, oranges, lemons, limes, yogurt, almonds, oatmeal, dried fruits, bananas, carrots, celery, beets, cabbage, peppers, broccoli... My list is long, and I add spices for a bit of zing so you could try that and have smoothies that taste like gingerbread, apple pie, etc. Maybe try a bit of tequila if your mom is having trouble sleeping! LOL

I'm so happy to hear that your mom is feeling better. I totally understand what you have been going through because we went through a lot with Dave's mom and are now helping my parents through their final years. At least in my case there are four children sharing the load.

My dad fell yesterday and broke his hip so we are waiting to hear if it is a spiral fracture, or worse, which would require hip replacement. At 86 this isn't good news. At the very least he will need to spend some time in the skilled nursing center so we need to make some speedy arrangements for care of my mother who has very serious dementia. At least that will be easier since they are already in a retirement facility in the assisted living area.

Sometimes life is more difficult than we anticipated...

Hang in there Maureen. :grouphug1:grouphug1

06-09-2011, 09:26 AM
You can add pedialyte or its healthier imitations (whose names elude me at the moment... I have spent the night up doing writing work...) to smoothies and home-made popsicles and fruit-sicles. Coconut WATER (not milk) is also a tasty electrolyte booster and great for adding to such things. A very little bit of fresh ginger root (or more if the flavor is favored) is soothing to the stomach, and is a surprisingly nice addition to smoothies.

Some of my little tricks...

06-09-2011, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, folks. I'll definately try them. I almost bought a vita mix several years ago when it was on special at costco. I just checked the current price. I shoulda' bought it then! Definately not in my price range at the moment. Maybe they'll have another special...

06-13-2011, 09:32 AM
For a Good deal on a Vita-mix: Put a wanted ad on Craigslist or try a local freecycle group, you never know!
Ebay will occasionally have a deal on an older one. I am still saving for mine. ($300-ouch!)
But, it is something that will last forever.

06-13-2011, 02:05 PM
Good suggestion! I'll do that. Thanks :)