View Full Version : Susu NEVER chirps

06-12-2011, 10:57 PM
Ok so on the 23 of this month susu will be 9 months old. The breeder told me she was 3 months when I got her so iv been following that. Anyway since I have had her she never chirps. ever! And the only time she used to chirp was when we had Mimi with her(R.I.P). But even then it was only for a short period of time so I no they never bonded cause Mimi was always out of the cage and never near susu unless she needed to sleep. And susu will also chirp a little if she hears other birds but that's it. Idk susu loves to hang on your shoulder and give kisses and she usually likes being out of her cage. Do you guys think somethings wrong? What can I do to fix it

06-14-2011, 11:58 AM
I also wanted to know if theirs a way to find out her exact age. Thank you!!!

06-14-2011, 05:48 PM
Hrmm are you sure the chirps arent just realy soft? play a video of lovebirds contact calls that will get susu to chirp :)

06-14-2011, 06:26 PM
I always Put YouTube videos for her. She loves them but she only whistles for a little bit. And then relizes it's not a real bird and stops. Lmao :rofl:

06-14-2011, 09:49 PM
Hey no one ever said they werent smart! lol the reason i asked was mabey a damged voice but if she chirps then i am thinking that they chirp to call and when they want something and mabey you give her all she needs and is always close by..i bet she chirps just softly :) i also have had a couple lovebirds who dont chip but grunt lol

06-14-2011, 10:49 PM
I have fought her making a sneezing sound 2 times so far. But I don't think it's anything to worry about since her droppings are good. But her dropping have always been the kind u could flick off and isn't watery it may have a little water in it but not like wild bird droppings or minis droppings... Idk

06-15-2011, 09:31 AM
Ok so on the 23 of this month susu will be 9 months old. The breeder told me she was 3 months when I got her so iv been following that. Anyway since I have had her she never chirps. ever!......... .........Do you guys think somethings wrong? What can I do to fix it

Really, from the other details you've given, Susu does in fact chirp. .. That it is limited, could be her character/personality is such that she feels very little need to make contact calls. .. I think its possible too, that as Jeremiah (Bubbleking) indicated, she has most if not all the flock support she needs, and is therefore less inclined to attract any further outside attention. .. Attracting attention could also bring the threat of predators, yet one more reason a hen would decide to limit her vocals towards only her chosen mate. .. Is there something wrong? .. Probably not. . But its good to take note, especially if her vocals are a little less, out of the ordinary, or she shows physical signs, such as lethargy (inactivity), wet nares, sneezing, etc.

I also wanted to know if theirs a way to find out her exact age. Thank you!!!

After around 6 months, it can be nearly impossible to determine a lovebirds exact age. .. Hopefully, the age your breeder provided upon purchase, was based on fact, and not fiction. ...........:)

06-16-2011, 04:55 PM
I looked threw old pics and seen she changed color so I guess he told the truth.:)

06-16-2011, 06:23 PM
I looked threw old pics and seen she changed color so I guess he told the truth.:)

Very good observation. .. Where do you think she changed colour the most? .. Bib? ..Forehead?... etc?.........:cool:

06-16-2011, 08:42 PM
Basically all over. The orange changed to a deeper more vibrant orange/red and the body mostly stayed the same