View Full Version : CAG Keya at my work

06-16-2011, 09:53 PM
Been a while since I posted/updated anything on here...crazy busy building a million dollar company!
As some of you may know, we have a store mascot named Keya. I work at a holistic pet food store (we do not sell pets!!) and Keya is the star of the place. He's 9yrs old...we bought him from a woman who was relocating to FLA from Ontario and could not bring herself to quarantine Keya for the required entry time.

He came to us as a plucker, chest was bald, wings horribly mutilated and only downy feathers/fuzz for most of the rest of his body. He screeched constantly and had a horrible diet. The woman sent his "treats" in a Ziploc bag which included: candy sprinkles, Vegetable Thin Crackers, chocolate chips, Peanut M&M's and jujubes.:x

First things first, off to the avian vet for a full workup. Thankfully, $600+ later, all tests clear and other than the above issues, relatively healthy. (somewhat underweight but nothing crazy)

I set my sights on rehabilitating that bird in the summer of '09 and knew it would take me a long time to accomplish what I had in mind.

First things first. Diet. Switched to an entirely home-cooked platform of various nuts, birdie bread, seeds, sprouts, veggies, fruits, and a small amount of proteins ie: chicken, egg.
No more junkfood!!!

Next, baths. Lots of them. With a splash of organic aloe juice. Lots of steamy, long, misty baths. Poor bird hadn't seen one in all of his years with his former owner! Wow!

Then, a very strict routine of socialization, vocalization, play/thinking toys, rewards, expectations and set meals and bedtimes.

Don't get me wrong. Did I get protest! Fiesty 700 grams!!! WOW...

But, over time, almost 3 yrs to be exact, Keya has fully turned around. He's 95% fully feathered (only picks his chest when his routine is off) Screeching has completely stopped, he thrives on work, is extremely social, loves his daily visits from all our customers, shows off for them constantly and is such a ham!!

His vocabulary has come so far too. He's never been an interactive talker, but he sure knows how to stand out in a crowd! From "Go Leafs Go!" to "C'mere gimme a kiss pretty boyyyy" and about 400 words/phrases additionally, he made me laugh out loud on Tuesday with the following:

Lady, about 70 yrs old, walks into the store. I ask her if she's looking for anything special, can I help her?

No she says, just looking but thank you. (Keya inserts a "thank you lady")

A few minutes later, being the talkative one that I am, I enquire as to whether or not she's enjoying the beautiful day today, sun is shining, gardens growing beautifully etc...

Lady says, oh yes, so lovely outside and such a gorgeous morning!

I continue with my chores...Keya chortling along, "yummy" "pretty boy" "Good Boy Keya" "get you some waterrrrrr???" just rambling along.

*I can tell at this point that she's fairly well spoken, quite prim and proper, you know, the type that doesn't burp or swear LOL....*

Anyway, a few minutes go by and the lady comes to the counter with a few small dog toys for her "grand-dog"...who's coming for a visit this weekend.

"Oh lovely" I reply....really putting on my 'proper etiquette', which is so far off who I really am, but anyway...

I ask her for the total amount, Keya saying "can I get you a bag?"....

A break in the conversation is then presented, and Keya took full advantage of it...

Spewing out very loudly..."CAN I GET YOU A BEER????"


Anyway...I've been giggling all day recalling this episode and just thought you BIRD people would appreciate the humour!!!

06-17-2011, 01:22 AM
Oh my goodness! How hilarious! What a character! :lol

06-17-2011, 01:47 AM
Awwww! I'm so glad the bird is in better hands! I can't imagine feeding a bird those foods - heck, those are foods I wouldn't want to feed my child!!

Would love to see pics of Keya!! :)

06-17-2011, 02:18 AM
Living with 3 Greys, I can tell you that they have an affinity for knowing just what to say and when to say it!!!! Kim, that's hysterical and kudos to you for being willing to devote your time and energy to helping Keya develop into the parrot that he's become. :)

06-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Now you just gotta get that bird to root for a better hockey team! :whistle::whistle::whistle:

06-17-2011, 06:35 PM
Lol if he asked me id drink a beer with that bird! (Him have apple juice ofcourse! :P)