View Full Version : How to deal with bad behaviour when out of cage???

06-21-2011, 07:06 AM
I really hope that someone can help me. I have had the birds for about 2 months now and they come out of the cage every day. However, i have 2 dogs and its not possible to separate them when the birds are out so i just make sure i supervise. The dogs are pretty good and listen when i tell them to leave the birds so i was really pleased about that. But now the birds have got a bit confident and have started to tease my dog, Riley (who is the most interested in them when they're out). They fly really close to his face and land on his back, they have bitten his back on a couple of occasions aswell. They also land on the baby gate which is within the dogs reach and they are waying him up from there! When they do this i am shouting to the dog to leave but i think the cheeky birds have realised that when they tease him, the dog gets told off (not really but thats how they'll perceive it!!) so now i am trying to tell the birds no instead and i am having to tell them to get back in their cage (which they're usually good with but seem more reluctant when its cos they're in trouble!!) But then i feel bad that they're not getting as much time out as they should. They also keep chewing my light shades, i have already replaced one and they didnt touch it for ages but now have started going straight to it to chew it up! Obviously apart from being annoying, they aren't getting much exercise which is the main purpose of letting them out in the 1st place! Again i have been telling them no and shooing them off the light but if they keep going back i send them back to their cage!
So i want to know if i am doing the right thing, will they eventually learn their lesson if i stay consistent? Or does anyone have any better ideas?? Obviously the main thing is the dogs because i know that one snap and the birds will be gonners :omg: And when i tell the birds no and get them back to the cage the dog seems to think its his cue to sort them out aswell!! I can seperate the dogs to a certain extent with the baby gate but obv the birds can get past this no probs :rofl:

Hope someone can help!! Thanks in advance :)

06-21-2011, 08:46 AM
You've already said it..one snap and the birds are goners.

For everyone's safety, put the dogs in a closed room, or keep them on leashes in another area of the home while the birds are out.

Your description of the events is very clear and its' only a matter of time. Really.

06-21-2011, 05:54 PM
I know it can be tough with more than one animal companion but the dogs have the run of the house for most of the day. When the birds have the run of the house, the dogs need to be separated in another room. If a door is not available, perhaps a taller, sturdier gate.

Birds do, in time, learn boundaries but it takes patience and follow-through. My pair no longer chew the blinds, they stay off the floor, and they know to stay in this room unless they're traveling with me.

06-22-2011, 02:19 PM
Do your birds have their own area outside of their cages where they are allowed to play and it is fun for them to stay there? A large playgym with treats and toys could be helpful in solving some of your issues. It will still be necessary to keep putting them back there when they wander to other areas but eventually they will learn that it is their place, and the whole house isn't.

Dogs (or cats) and birds don't mix. You are putting your birds at a huge risk by having them out when the dogs are not outside or behind a closed door. Please be safe, not sorry. Nuff said on that topic!

Like with any other pet (or child) training fails if you are inconsistent. If your birds are sometimes allowed to go where they please, and training is hit or miss, they are smart enough to figure out they can do what they want. Even getting away with it sometimes is enough reward to keep trying. So, unless you have time to watch them and return them to the area where you want them to stay, they should be in their cages (or on you).

Right now it sounds as if they are running the show and getting great enjoyment from the entertaining displays and drama when they tease the dogs or chew on things they shouldn't.

06-22-2011, 02:37 PM
I agree with Chickobee about an interesting play area for the birds! I use spray bottles filled with water as deterrents. Being misted is one thing but a bit stronger streaming spray is a different story. I know several others who use this method and it will work well enough where all you have to do is pick up the spray bottle. Two of my Greys tend to wander but "Go home" will send them scurrying back to where they belong!

Success lies in consistency.

06-22-2011, 03:17 PM
Yes mine have relaised when i pick up the spray bottle its time to stop and behave! Infact several of my birds will watch me while they are getting ready to make trouble or are in the middle of doing something they are not supposed to and as soon i i look they pretend to be innocent and once i reach for the spray bottle boom back to thier areas lol

06-22-2011, 04:58 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments and advice :) I will take more care to seperate the dogs. It is true that the birds seem to be enjoying causing trouble :rotfl cheeky things!!
I did start to use the spray on them as i use it on the dogs to stop them doing things, but then i realised i was spraying towards the light and dont want anyone to get electricuted :omg: but after telling them several times last night to get off the light, they eventually went off investigating other, less easily damaged things! I also put the dogs outside so maybe they thought they'd lost their captive audience :rotfl
They don't currently have a play centre out of the cage, i was thinking the purpose was to stretch their wings :confused: They have plenty of interesting toys to play with in the cage.... Maybe this is something i should work on putting together for them then, i've been working on making some toys for them so a playground can be my next project!
I have just bought them a hamster wheel but not put it in yet, cant wait to c if they use it :) hope they do! Saw a lovely free-standing natural wooden one that i really wanted but was quite expensive so testing the water with a cheap plastic one 1st :) Off the subject a bit but just thought i'd share!!
Have to say all their naughtiness is what makes lovebirds so special :rofl: They are like cheeky little toddlers - noisy, naughty, tempremental... but just like when u see children all innocent, fast asleep, when the birds are perched on their swing, as mine are now, snuggled up together griding their beaks, u forget all of that (til morning :rotfl) Aawww!!

06-22-2011, 04:59 PM
Went a bit overboard with the icons there didnt i haha :happy: (didnt get that one in before!)