View Full Version : Masked vs. Peach faced

06-21-2011, 08:30 PM
Hi so you all know I have susu <3 but what I want todo maybe in a year or 2 is get another lovie. Well I know how a peach faced lovebirds personality and tameness is but I herd that masked lovebirds are harder to tame and won't become as attached to you. Is this true? I mean with my luck after all those months of concern and posting 2 threads about it susu finally decides to start chirping away:x..... You know I miss the quietness.. I take back the concern :whistle:

06-21-2011, 08:59 PM
lol see carefull what you wish for! He was just trianing his slave to be how he wants lol i personaly would get another peachfaced unless you dna both birds as male you dont want them breeding hybrids, i would dna anyway so you know what to get next time you dont want to end up with two females that could be an unsafe condition :)

06-22-2011, 09:56 AM
Alot of people think masked/fischers are not as friendly/tame as peachfaced, which I think is a load of rot. It's purely because nobody has put the time and effort into raising a line of tamed eyering birds, probably because they are more rare, and because of this very "myth". I've had silly, silly tame masked lovebirds, and I know many others who have too. A bird is what you make it 99% of the time, put the work in and you will get the results, regardless of whether its masked or peachfaced.

06-22-2011, 04:20 PM
Alot of people think masked/fischers are not as friendly/tame as peachfaced, which I think is a load of rot. It's purely because nobody has put the time and effort into raising a line of tamed eyering birds, probably because they are more rare, and because of this very "myth". I've had silly, silly tame masked lovebirds, and I know many others who have too. A bird is what you make it 99% of the time, put the work in and you will get the results, regardless of whether its masked or peachfaced.

Ditto the bolded part! Though in Hawaii, Masked/Fischers aren't rare... but for some reason just aren't bred as much for sale in the pet stores. And I would have to agree it's probably because the breeders here believe that myth. It's just sad because whenever you do see eyerings in our pet stores here, they ARE more skittish than the Peachfaces so they probably get sold less and it just perpetuates that myth. Kind of like a never-ending cycle.

06-22-2011, 04:27 PM
I have decided when susu hits 2 yearsold that I will get a breeding pair of Cobalt masked lovebirds and breed them into a line of "happy and fun lovies". Susu will never have a mate because I'm too scared she will leave me for him. Is that being too Selfish?

06-22-2011, 04:45 PM
Is there any particular reason as to why you're wanting to breed birds?

06-23-2011, 11:31 AM
I want to have a hobby that I love. And would love to raise lovies. I probobly won't sell any except maybe 1 or 2