View Full Version : Is he doing what I think he's doing?

06-23-2011, 10:42 PM
I use the terms, "he" and "his" very lightly since he hasn't been DNA sexed yet. I know, I know...I need to do it! :D

Not really sure but I think I caught Yoshi "humping" his happy hut. I've seen him do it several times but to be honest, I've never seen a bird mate so I don't know if he's playing with it or doing something more.

He's only 5 months old so I'm thinking that he is a bit too young to be doing this.

What age does this normally start?

Also, he has been a little more nippy than usual especially with my ear. But I've learned to avoid this by not letting him on my shoulder. Could this be caused by hormones kicking in?

06-24-2011, 03:52 AM
He is defo humping his happy hut, Mojo does this for ALOT!! It started with him humping me around 5 months and i put a stop to it so now when hes feeling frisky he goes in and humps his hut.
Dont worry its completely natural for him to do if he dosent have a mate, and at 5 months all the hormones are flying around.

Mojo has given himself a bald butt doing this but when i took his hut away he was very sad so i put it back, much to his delight.

Hes doing no harm so leave him to it i say. You may find the ear biting is a mating dance and he may stary to rub his beak on you or click his beak and flap his wings extremely fast. Mojo does this scratching his beak thing aswell.

Your baby is growing up, and pretty sure he is male!!

06-24-2011, 06:14 AM
Yes, probably.

Odie is a champ when it comes to this, and has also humped so frequently that he's given he's rubbed the feathers off. After his first spring, he toned it down from every thirty seconds, (as in, every time he stopped, he'd start up again) to every fifteen minutes to a half hour) or so. We actually worried about his physical health that first spring, and removed his "humpy" (the piece of fleece he loves). He now rotates between their swing, their cuttlebone, and the fleece and has all of his feathers.

I don't see any reason to interrupt.

06-24-2011, 09:05 AM
You may find the ear biting is a mating dance and he may stary to rub his beak on you or click his beak and flap his wings extremely fast.

Your baby is growing up, and pretty sure he is male!!

Funny you should mention this...he was doing this yesterday on the side of his cage right beside his happy hut! LOL

06-24-2011, 09:09 AM
I don't see any reason to interrupt.

Nope, I ain't gonna interrupt him! I just wasn't sure what he was doing! :omg: