View Full Version : Introducing Lovebirds

06-25-2011, 10:15 PM
Hi :) I will be pet-sitting two peach face lovebirds. They are both boys and very good friends. I own a peach face lovebird too and he is also a boy. I would really like to introduce them to each other, but its not possible to do it in 9 days, is it?:confused: My lovebird is 5 years old, and has never interacted with another lovebird ever since he was 3 months old.
thanks :)

06-25-2011, 11:19 PM
Unless you know these lovebirds that you will be pet sitting very well, I would not even keep them in the same room together. This is for the safety of your own lovebird. While I know it's tempting, any illness or disease that can be carried could prove dangerous to yours.

On the other hand, if you know for a fact that these 2 guests are healthy, about all I would do is place cages in proximity to each other and let them interact from a distance. It's only for 9 days, and that's not a very long period of time.

06-28-2011, 11:00 PM
Thanks :). So, they are here in my house right now and i realized they are not very tame. I tried using a stick to carry them when they come out the cage, but they were very frightened of the stick and flew away. I tried getting them to step up onto my finger but i just got a big bite from both of them :(. So, the only way I can handle them is by wearing a sweater that will cover my hands, and then they jump on my arm. (if they see my skin showing, they will attack it.)

Do you have any suggestion on other ways to handle them? Or should i just let them be?