View Full Version : Figured it Out

06-26-2011, 08:07 AM
Hey Everyone,

How are you?

I am new to this forum but so far everyone has been very warm and welcoming. For does who do not know me, my name is John and I live in Canada and I recently (three days ago) acquired a lovebird. He is a two month year old peach faced rare pied lovebird named Juby born in April.

I have always wanted a lovebird since I was a little boy so I started doing research at a young age, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING has prepared me for Juby.

For one thing, he is a very vocal bird, and that is why I am writing this.

I have a clinic problem with migraines :P it sucks, which is induced by pressure fronts and weather. I am much better than any weather man. How good am I? Put it this way, when it comes to thunderstorms I know exactly when and where the first lightning will hit. :P

Anyways, back to Juby.

I wasn't expecting such a vocal bird at first.

I mean I have a parakeet and anyone who has ever owned one can agree with me for the first couple of days, weeks, months, they are relatively inactive, shy, timid and voiceless. That is what I was kind of expecting with Juby.

But no.

Juby loved me from the first day I brought him into my house. Played with his wheel, interacted with me, ate and drank. He is such a cute, kind little bird. He is still quite scared of my hand, but he gets over it real fast when he steps up and gets scratches and pets.

Since I have brought him home, he has gotten into a lot of trouble :P

Another thing I didn't expect. Even getting out of his cage when I read to him (I would leave the door open) and to my surprise he was just so quick to warm up to the place. He is such a curious little guy, and I probably couldn't have gotten another bird.

So despite the noise, which I will eventually get use to, I have no problems with him.

Today this morning, it clicked in, I knew WHY he was been so VOCAL!

Despite my little Quinn (budgie) who was egging him on, other than that, he was vocal everytime I left the room and when I entered the room he would get very excited.

We had a huge weather front which is finally clearing, so it was only THIS MORNING I figured it out. He was calling for me. I was actually quite touched, he was so excited to see me this morning (he was confused when my roommate removed the cover and I guess he was trying to figure out where I was).

So that is just a small story.

I would like to hear some of your touching stories, the things your lovebirds have done that just made you smile or warmed your heat :)

06-26-2011, 11:42 AM
Yes, they are flock creatures and make contact calls! Haha, if you think lovebirds are loud, try having a quaker parrot! I barely even notice the noises my other parrots make. I also have frequent, severe migraines that are triggered by everything from barometric pressure to the light sensitivity I have from my other illness, to the inhaler I have to use occasionally and a ton of other things. I have them finally reasonably under control with preventative and abortive medications, but its still a struggle, so my heart goes out to you. I know that the noise just tears right through you when your head is hurting like that. I've found it manageable in terms of the birds, though. The best thing to do when they screech and scream is to ignore it unless it sounds like something really is wrong. They will learn to get your attention in other ways, with quieter forms of calls, and body language since lovebirds aren't typically big talkers. They will come to understand your body language and even the words you say too, so don't hesitate to tell them when you leave the room "I'll be right back" or "I'll be back in an hour" or "I'm going out for the day" they will start to associate the patterns of what you're saying after a while, with how long you're gone and at least my birds have stopped yelling to me when I leave the room. My quaker parrot will even say "OK! Come right back!" to the first. "Bye! Love you! See you soon sweetheart!" to the second and get upset and start attacking the bars of his cage to the third, and saying "No! Come right back!" My quaker parrot will start saying "OK.... come back... NOW!" if he thinks I've been gone too long, but he's much better about yelling at me/to me when I leave the room and the other birds don't do it at all.

06-26-2011, 12:21 PM
haha that is really cute.

Well my grandparents were bird rehabilitationists so I am use to high pitched cries of eagles and falcons, don't think I have ever heard a Quaker parrot call, heard macaws and they are pretty loud too.

Juby is doing much better at understanding that the screeches won't get him anything.

He is actually very intelligent which makes me really happy to see honestly. He is doing very good with step ups and he is now enjoying the kisses, he now knows the sound and the action that is associated with it.

And JUST now he started to play with his bell!

I have been teaching him how to play with certain toys like a bell and a ball, so it really is such a joy to hear him ring his bell.

So thank you for your support and I hope your migraines are under control :)

06-26-2011, 09:48 PM
My mom rehabbed abused parrots when I was a kid, and we always had screeching conures and other parrots when I was growing up... eagles and falcons though! That's a good way to get used to bird calls!

My mother's trio of Macaws is something to hear at the moment, that's for sure. I can deal with my quaker parrot telling everyone in my house to "quiet down" when they start getting loud, but whenever anyone makes any bit of noise, my mom's nesting B&G Macaw starts screaming "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Yes, she is loud and came from a not-so-good home we have found, but she's come around a lot.

06-27-2011, 05:29 AM
Awww Enko,

Yeah I remember hearing the Mecaw in a few stores and they were pretty loud but THREE! Wow, how do you live with it? :)

I am sure they are AMAZING pets.

Juby is doing better at his cries, BUT he did just wake me up at 6 in the morning and I was hoping for some good night sleep. I guess he was excited to get out of his cage.

06-28-2011, 04:19 AM
Haha, I do not live with the Macaws, they're my mother's birds. My quaker is vocal enough, I can't imagine the four of them talking (and yelling) together... oh dear.

She shares a bedroom with the blue and gold macaw buddy, and not only does Buddy's cage and nest take up an entire wall, but for a long time, Buddy slept and then nested in the bed next to my mother. Now Buddy's nest is on the side of her dome-topped cage against the wall- she has odd nesting spots, and her eggs keep falling out. She has no mate, so they're not fertile, but she knows when they break and gets very upset if they aren't very quickly replaced. At the moment she is protecting 2 eggs and 2 ping pong balls and telling everyone in the house to SHUT UP! (She says many other things, she is a very sweet bird when not nesting or wanting peace and quiet, really!)