View Full Version : become aggresive

06-27-2011, 10:26 AM
I put a nest box in my cage about four days ago. Since then both my lovebirds have become a lot more aggresive towards me. Especially when I change their water and food.

Any ideas?:(

06-27-2011, 12:33 PM
Yes. They are hormonal and territorial, because they are coming in breeding condition. Perfectly natural. :)

06-27-2011, 02:41 PM
It sounds like their hormones are kicking in and they are just doing what comes naturally. It's nothing personal, they just want to protect their nesting area and any future eggies.:)

I play distracting games with my lovies when I change the water and food, it helps from getting bitten.

06-28-2011, 04:49 AM
I put a nest box in my cage about four days ago. Since then both my lovebirds have become a lot more aggresive towards me. Especially when I change their water and food...............Any ideas?:(

Hi Ian. .. Can I ask how old your lovebirds are? ..Are you planning on breeding them?

Please, review some of the information provided in our "Lovebird Resource Library", especially under "must reads". .. If you look under "Robin's new owners guide", you'll find some important notes about breeding under the "first time home" heading. ... Because breeding does carry along certain risks, finding the best ways to manage it could keep everyone happier, and healthier. .. There is also plenty more info in our breeding forum as well. .. Hope you keep us updated!............:)

07-03-2011, 01:48 AM
Im not sure on the age of my birds they still have little bit of black left in the beak. I gave them a nest box, because they live outside. I live in Chengdu, China. We have a sub-tropical climate.

07-03-2011, 04:17 AM
If they still have black on their beak, then they are younger than the age of reaching sexual maturity. It may be that they are beginning to feel more secure in their surroundings.

How long have they been living with you?

07-03-2011, 07:36 AM
With lovebirds, it's not just sexually mature birds that can act aggressive. Hand feeding youngsters will go after anything that approaches their brooder/home in an attempt to protect it from whatever they see as threatening on the outside. To watch them, they fluff their feathering, open their beaks and look like they totally mean business....which they do! I can understand why you gave them a box, as they really do need protection if they are outside.