View Full Version : Picking feathers?!

09-26-2005, 08:21 PM
This has got me a little bit worried.

I came home from school today, said hi to Bango, and went to eat in the other room. Later I come out to get him for our play time and I notice there are a LOT of feathers in his cage. However last night when I cleaned his cage there were no feathers at all. So this lead me to believe that he was picking his feathers for some reason today. Is this normal? Sometimes I see one or two feathers lying around the cage but today there were like 20! However this is only a one day thing (so far) and hopefully he won't continue it, but what should I do if this becomes a habit? After how many days of this should I go see a vet? And I don't think Bango's molting either becuase he doesn't have very many pin feathers (only 3 or 4)

I am kinda worried. He's on my shoulder right now and he's picking feathers..two or three have fluttered down to my desk already

09-26-2005, 08:39 PM
First off, are these the little fluffy feathers related to a molting, or are these full length body feathers? Is Bango picking in a specific area? Can you inspect the skin for redness or irritation? Are there mites present?
20 feathers isn't irregular for the beginnings of a molt, and many of my birds are starting theirs now.
If this isn't molt-related, did you spray air freshener, light a scented candle, turn on your furnace etc?? Whats' been happening in Bango's last day to suddenly cause him to pluck, can you pinpoint anything that might be bothering him today?
I'll check back later tonight to see if you've replied...Good Luck !!!


09-26-2005, 08:53 PM
Yes, these are the fluffly little white feathers that he's picking. The area that I think he is picking from is just above his legs, under his wings near the tail, and near the top of the wings. I made a little picture to show you guys:


I just inspected him and looked at the skin, it seems the same colour as usual, and there are no mites on him that I saw either (but I don't know what to look for either) He's very cuddly and loves to be held and petted, maybe that has something to do with it? I'm not sure about the chemicals/air fresheners/furnace because I was at school, maybe my mom used something but she's also very cautious about Bango, so I don't think chemicals have anything to do with it.

EDIT: Thanks so much for the quick reply. I just gave Bango a bath, he dove right in!

Oh, I also just cleaned his cage out, I underestimated the 20 feathers on the bottom, there are at least twice that many, if not more

09-26-2005, 09:45 PM
I got an old picture of bango, where the feathers are sticking out is some of the area at which he's picking at now


09-26-2005, 09:54 PM
My non-medical guess is that Bango is molting. The new feathers coming in are naturally irritating, and he's preening the keratin sheath off of the feather shaft. I don't think he's plucking the little feathers though. My concern is that the feathers growing in are those ones that looked kinda "sticky-outy" in his younger pic. If those feathers are growing in awkwardly, or twisted, they could add discomfort to Bango's already irritating molt. Additionally, if they are ingrown feathers, that would bother him too.
I'm glad to see he enjoyed his bath!!! Why not try more daily bathing/misting and see if it helps to alleviate some of Bango's itchiness. You can try aloe gel in a spray bottle too. Aloe is known for it's soothing effects. Also, increase his fatty seeds right now through sunflower, safflower, hemp and flax.
I would watch him closely, but not obsessively. A bird is a bird is a bird, and if they're not eating, flying or chirping, they're preening.
Of course, if you decide that his over-attention to feathers and/or the amounts of feathers you're finding on the ground , is too much, give your vet a call and have Bango in for a simple skin scrape and CBC to determine if there is a medical reason for his feather loss and pulling.
Lets see if anyone else has something to offer....:)

09-26-2005, 10:04 PM
My non-medical guess is that Bango is molting. The new feathers coming in are naturally irritating, and he's preening the keratin sheath off of the feather shaft. I don't think he's plucking the little feathers though. My concern is that the feathers growing in are those ones that looked kinda "sticky-outy" in his younger pic. If those feathers are growing in awkwardly, or twisted, they could add discomfort to Bango's already irritating molt. Additionally, if they are ingrown feathers, that would bother him too.
I'm glad to see he enjoyed his bath!!! Why not try more daily bathing/misting and see if it helps to alleviate some of Bango's itchiness. You can try aloe gel in a spray bottle too. Aloe is known for it's soothing effects. Also, increase his fatty seeds right now through sunflower, safflower, hemp and flax.
I would watch him closely, but not obsessively. A bird is a bird is a bird, and if they're not eating, flying or chirping, they're preening.
Of course, if you decide that his over-attention to feathers and/or the amounts of feathers you're finding on the ground , is too much, give your vet a call and have Bango in for a simple skin scrape and CBC to determine if there is a medical reason for his feather loss and pulling.
Lets see if anyone else has something to offer....:)

Thanks a lot, I do give bango baths regularly, he just loves the water! He takes a bath anywhere from 4-6 times a week, depending on how hot he is. That older picture was taken for a question I posted on this forum regarding those feathers that were sticking out, but those feathers fell out within the month, I think he just caught them on his little hut or on the cage or something.

Misting him with aloe vera seems like an excellent idea, but what ratio shall I use of aloe vera to water? Half and half?

I'll keept and eye on Bango to see if he continues the feather pulling tomorrow, hopefully it was just a one time thing! :)

09-26-2005, 10:44 PM
If you can locate a "health food/homeopathic" type store, you'll find they sell 100% pure aloe juice which you can apply directly without mixing. I've not attempted to dilute aloe vera gel, so I am not familiar with ratios to mix. Sorry for that ! Best source is your local phone directory. You should find some listings in the yellow pages. Just start calling and asking for "aloe juice" (many people benefit from drinking this too!)
Good Luck

PS. You can test for mites simply by covering Bango's cage with a plain white bedsheet overnight. Mites will appear plainly as tiny red dots on the inside of the sheet when you uncover him in the morning. Vets will have easy remedies for this:)

09-27-2005, 05:23 PM
If you can locate a "health food/homeopathic" type store, you'll find they sell 100% pure aloe juice which you can apply directly without mixing. I've not attempted to dilute aloe vera gel, so I am not familiar with ratios to mix. Sorry for that ! Best source is your local phone directory. You should find some listings in the yellow pages. Just start calling and asking for "aloe juice" (many people benefit from drinking this too!)
Good Luck

PS. You can test for mites simply by covering Bango's cage with a plain white bedsheet overnight. Mites will appear plainly as tiny red dots on the inside of the sheet when you uncover him in the morning. Vets will have easy remedies for this:)

I'll test tonight for mites, that's a handy test, thanks!

I have 99% aloe vera gel, but that seems too thick to be used as a spray.. maybe I'll just add water to get it more liquidy. Should I worry about getting some in his eyes when using it as a spray or not?

09-27-2005, 09:17 PM
I just sprayed my plucker with aloe juice and I watched his eyes. Guess what he does? CLOSES THEM !!!!! Can you believe it?
Let me have a quick look online to see if I can locate a thread for you to read about applying aloe juice....BRB

"Herbalists use aloe juice diluted with water as a cleansing, refreshing and rejuvenating eye wash. Very soothing and non-medicinal"

So, me being me, I tried it:D
It feels WONDERFUL!!!

The shop where I buy aloe juice claims many pet owners use this for dogs and cats who have "weepy" eyes (bichon, poodle, persian). I've found nothing to contradict its use with my birds, and as long as it's good for kitties, puppies and humans, its good for my fids !!!!
As always, if you ever question anything about your birds, always contact your avian vet and get another opinion.

09-28-2005, 08:38 AM
Kimie, I've been following this thread and learning so much. I couldn't help here but I sure could learn! Thanks for all your great information and advice! :D I'm sure that what I've learned will eventually have to be applied one day and I'll be thinking, "what did Kim say to do about feather picking?" Then, I'll either make a post or PM you and you'll have to tell me all over again! :lol Seriously, I think I will remember this and I've made a few notes, on paper, so I don't forget! :D

09-28-2005, 09:56 PM
Glad to help any way I can :)
One thing I did want to stress is that plucking can sometimes be because of health reasons ie : bacterial infections, mites, vitamin deficiencies etc, so I wanted to make sure that everyone here understands that just because a birdie is plucking, doesn't always mean my advice will work or solve the problem. Our male plucker has been scraped, poked, examined, pricked and scraped some more, and his problem is a bad habit, nothing more. Aloe juice does help alleviate some of his irritation during molts or stressful periods, but nothing fully prevents him from pulling his feathers. Additionally, the omega 3-6-9 fatty acids that he gains through the variety of seeds and food I give him does help his skin to remain healthy and the feathers to erupt without much concern.
If I were to wake up one morning and see that he's stopped his plucking, I'd worry that something was wrong. He's done this since we took him in, and he's never stopped. During nesting he is even more bald, he pulled all his tail feathers out to "help" build the nest, and he looked like a QUAIL !
His tail is back now, his stomach is mostly feathered, but his upper chest and shoulders remain bald, although there is absolutely no irritation or blood/scabs. He's just kinda been nicknamed "plucky" around here, although his hatch name was Storm Chaser (?) Don't ask LOL

Anyway, I just wanted it understood that aloe isn't a "magic remedy" or anything, but I'm glad that my experience might help you out in some way some day8)


Janie, if you want more detailed info on aloe, click this link, very helpful!
Shady Brook Aviary - Aloe for Birds (http://www.shdybrk.com/Articles/Aloe.htm)

09-29-2005, 09:58 AM
Kim, Oliver did have a few "plucked" areas when we adopted him. On his left side, right around the vent area. The very first thing I was advised to do (by this forum, of course, :D) was to have a vet check him and I did. Two years later, that little spot is still bare but at least I know it's not a medical condition and it doesn't seem to bother him at all except occasionally, during a full molt. So, I agree, a vet check for any condition is the first step. :) I think the aloe suggestion is a very good one for him and I'm going to try that....thanks! :D

08-19-2007, 05:21 PM
Sad news. Bango passed away today. It was completely out of the blue.. he flew up onto a windowsill, happy as can be.. then ten minutes later, tried to fly down but kinda fell, then died on the ground. My guess is he had a stroke. I'm very sad.. will miss him lots :( He was only 4 years old though, and showed no signs of illness or anything.. this was completely unexpected :( :( :(

08-19-2007, 06:56 PM
OH NO!.....OH My.....How terrible!....I've been watching your thread and :( Oh no...I'm so sorry Bango passed away....You have our deepest sympathy...This is so unexpected.....Please let us know what happened if you can. :cry: ........Prayers for Bango and hugs to you......Michael and Goofy

08-19-2007, 07:05 PM
really.. I have no idea :confused: :( He was only 4 years old, and never showed any signs of illness/poor health. At least he passed away very, very quickly, so wasn't in pain for long. I'll miss him.

08-19-2007, 07:26 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear about Bango!
This kind of quick death could be a stroke or he could have had a heart defect that no one knew about. I've had that happen at least twice in my breeding career and it's always a shock when I lose one this way.

08-19-2007, 08:52 PM
My sincere condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

08-20-2007, 09:24 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. :(