View Full Version : noise at midnight

07-04-2011, 09:12 AM
hello i have 3 lovebirds 2 of them are together its a boy and a girl the another one has another cage by him self they were normal before they will sleep at 10 pm wake up at 7:30am they sleep cover but this 3 days they are making alot of noise at 3am at mignight i tell them go to sleep be quite they stop only for 3 min they star again i dont know why are they acting like that they are getting me mad cuz i dont want to have problem with my neighbor cuz i know they could hear them in the midnight too what can i do i need help i love my babys but they are not let me sleep what it get me more mad at 8am they stop making noise that the time i wake up they go to sleep i just need help plz :(

07-04-2011, 09:42 AM
From 10:00 pm - 7:30 am is a few hrs short of the 12 hrs sleep that parrots need. First suggestion is to put them to bed earlier, say maybe 7:30 - 8:00 pm. Make sure the room is dark and quiet. Some of my lovebirds like night lights but they will do just fine without them, as long as none have chicks in nest boxes.

It's also possible that some kind of noise is waking them up and they are warning you that something isn't quite right. My main aviary is the best something not quite right warning system that anyone could ever want!!

07-04-2011, 10:19 PM
It may be the holiday and fireworks may be disturbing for them. I know some states limit fireworks but there are always some around, it seems. I agree, however, it's likely some noise they are hearing.

07-05-2011, 12:57 AM
i will see what happen today i hope they go back to normal cuz i need my sleep :(

07-05-2011, 07:59 AM
The fireworks got some of my birds riled up after lights out last night. They weren't really that loud, almost unnoticeable to us, but Koko had to come out hours after he went to bed and snuggle- he's a quaker that is easily spooked and very closely bonded to me. I was surprised the birds noticed them at all, but I imagine they sounded/felt unnerving to them.

Its worth keeping an eye out, in any case.

07-05-2011, 08:20 AM
I keep one lovebird who's very sensitive to noise. .. Even the slightest move will send him on what seems a never ending peeping spree. .. Naturally, once he starts up, my other lovie will dutifully join right in. .. Harmonious? .. Not at 2-3-4-5 in the morning! .. Well...5:am is kind of expected, afterall, they both tend to arise along with the wild birds every morning who reside right outside our windows. .. Anyways... Whats helped add at least a couple hours of extra peace, has been to offer their favorite treats a little bit before bedtime. .Although maybe not a good idea for us humans, especially those with acid reflux :x, birds seem to handle the bedtime snack hibernation better minus the digestive failure and tooth decay. ..Another tactic, if possible, was to incorporate bath time or misting about two hours before they retire. .. (Not right before, as you don't want to chill a bird before night).... Whilst neither of these are 100% effective in affording total uninterrupted sleep, at least for us, they do appear to have lengthened it a bit. ... BTW, my two go to bed about 8-8:30 every night. I TRY to keep them covered (both prefer to be partially covered) till 7:am, but...well...you know. ..........:)

07-05-2011, 04:37 PM
BTW, my two go to bed about 8-8:30 every night. I TRY to keep them covered (both prefer to be partially covered) till 7:am, but...well...you know. ..........:)

That's the nice thing about having Ditto go to bed around 10:30. He'll sleep in until 9:30 on most days without a peep (or at least stay quiet).

After 9:30 all bets are off.