View Full Version : Ditto's vet visit.

07-08-2011, 11:15 AM
Well the Dittobird went to the vet for a checkup today and the news was good!

His weight is great 52 grams (up from 48 in january and 44 when he was sick in December). Everything looks and sounds good (breathing and heart). Feathers look great (except for the moult goin on) and mucous membranes were a healthy pink. Poop stain and crop stain showed no yeast. The only thing was that the gram positive bacteria were a bit low 85% but not low enough to warrant meds (in the vet's opinion). So he's fine now. :happy:

07-08-2011, 11:34 AM
Dave & Ditto! That's great news, hurray!

Barb :)

07-08-2011, 11:52 AM
Yeah, he's a happy fellow. And loved the vet visit and refused to bite the vet even when she tried to shove the swab down his throat. The swab on the other hand wasn't so lucky, Dr. Amy actually had to take him back to the hospital side and do a crop wash to get the sample since he was too feisty to use the swab. Big difference from last time she saw him when he was sick (swabbing then was easy).

Did I mention he loves going to the vet?

He danced in the carrier all the way to the vets office, and on the way home he was singing and dancing to the music.

In the waiting room at the vet's office he put on quite a show dancing and chirping at everyone in the room.:happy::happy::happy: I swear he acts sick just so I'll take him to the vet.

07-08-2011, 04:35 PM
Gosh....:(.....the least Ditto could do is bite someone. ... I think he's blown his cover! .. 52 grams? ..Dancing and singing?.. Whats up there Ditto!!? ........:)

07-09-2011, 04:33 PM
Gosh....:(.....the least Ditto could do is bite someone. ... I think he's blown his cover! .. 52 grams? ..Dancing and singing?.. Whats up there Ditto!!? ........:)

I knew it was going to be a good visit when he stepped on the scale and I saw that 52 grams pop up there. His previous high was 50 grams 2 years ago. Back in december when he had the raging yeast infection he was only 43. :omg:

The only way to get him to bite is to go after his happy hut, knotrageous toy or FOOD! Touch the food and you must die, unless it's on the kitchen counter, then it's ok. Food dish in the kitchen means more food going in! :rofl:

His moult has kicked in full speed so now he's all itchy and dropping down feathers like it's snowing.

07-09-2011, 05:22 PM
That's a nice weight gain, Dave!!! I guess it's all that good nutritious food (Avi-cakes, Nutriberries, fresh food) you've been giving him to eat! Heck, with a menu like he has at home, I can see why he might bite to protect what's his!!!

07-09-2011, 08:00 PM
That's a nice weight gain, Dave!!! I guess it's all that good nutritious food (Avi-cakes, Nutriberries, fresh food) you've been giving him to eat! Heck, with a menu like he has at home, I can see why he might bite to protect what's his!!!

Yeah, I was shocked. I had to check after he hopped off to make sure it said zero. :rofl: