View Full Version : Flying to the floor

07-09-2011, 11:53 AM
Sam loves to fly to the floor from his cage. If I can, I will use a wooden perch to get him to step-up on. There is other times that I have to grab him up, which I know is not good. I can feel him tremble when I do. I don't want to make him terrified of my hand. At this point (only had him a week) he is kinda scared of the hand. Any advice of getting him off the floor without grabbing.

07-09-2011, 12:01 PM
Sounds like you might have to train him to go places other than on the floor....someplace more interesting. Do you have a play area near his cage for him? I would always have a wooden dowel handy to pick him up off the floor, but it's preferrable not to have him go there in the first place.

If you have or can get a play area, each time he goes there, give him a treat from your fingers, if he will take it. Make it something reserved specially for things he does right and he will associate one with the other. Clickers are one way of letting him know the behavior is positive and a treat will be forthcoming immediately. Also let him know verbally that he's done something good. Lovebirds are remarkably smart and you will find he should understand what you want fairly quickly.

Any idea what the fascination is with the floor?

07-09-2011, 03:51 PM
I just got done getting him off the floor again, with a wooden perch this time. Don't know why he likes the floor so much. He hears the p'lett chirping & I think he may want to get to him. He is real good about stepping up on the perch.

Funny thing you mentioned gyms. Hubby just got through building a playstand today out of pvc pipe. Its small so it will fit on top of the cage or I can move it where I want it. We still need to wrap it before putting Sam on it. But I'm hoping he will like it.

Lots of time I see him looking at the top of the cage like he wants to go there. But he doesn't like to climb the cage. He likes hopping to where ever he goes. I need to get some rope perches to make a path to the top for him. I will do that next weekend.

07-09-2011, 05:25 PM
Are his flight feathers clipped? Could be he wants to check out the parrotlet but if he can't fly there, walking/hopping is the next best way to move around.

The floor definitely is not a safe place so, hopefully, he will like his play area better.

07-09-2011, 10:08 PM
He is clipped. He still can get a little lift, but doesn't fly far.