View Full Version : Fighting at times...normal????

07-11-2011, 12:52 PM
Please can somebody help me out with this problem. Most of the time our lovies are very cute with each other (preening each other, feeding together, kissing etc) and they always sleep together all snuggled up and wont fly anywhere without the other one! But they have started to bicker and i'm worried this is a bad sign. Maybe 3 times a day you hear them screeching at each other or occasionaly they will beak the others foot! Is this normal behaviour for a pair??? They are both under 6 months and when we bought them we were told they had been together from birth and one was a male and one female. The female is visibly lighter in tail colour than the male. So basically is it normal for them to bicker??:confused:

07-11-2011, 01:17 PM
No. From my own personal experience, it's not normal for male/female pairs to bicker/squabble with each other. At age 6 months, they are reaching sexual maturity and it's my guess that you have 2 hens that get along mostly well but not all the time.

Since they've not been DNA sexed, that's what I would do before one seriously injures the other. Many of us use Avian Biotech (http://www.avianbiotech.com) and you can order kits online. I believe blood sexing is $19.95/test and feather sexing is $24.95.

07-18-2011, 12:37 PM
Just a wee update on my bickering lovebirds. Turns out I was right about the sexes and which was which, my female is slightly lighter blue on the tail. But even though the DNA testing told me what I already knew it did put my mind at ease. And also after speaking to many other lovie owners who have pairs that bicker sometimes i am 100% happy :-)

07-18-2011, 06:19 PM
My love bird pair have a fight once a day not biteing just chirping and beak battleing untill my male feeds the hen or he goes to a different part of the cage for some alone time lol i cant blame my male my hens a beach lol

07-19-2011, 03:20 AM
Yes that sounds like my pair. The beak bashing always leads to him feeding her or them preening each other....it's like an odd sort of birdy love:blush:

07-19-2011, 03:28 AM
I'm glad you had the pair DNA sexed! Now you know for sure. :) You also know now that this pair is quite capable of mating and having fertile eggs. Something to think about....