View Full Version : Getting lovie into carrier for the vet

07-11-2011, 01:27 PM
I need any and all tips possible to get our lovebird Houdini into his travel carrier. We have tried luring him in with a treat... but because he can fly he is pretty fast. We are bringing him to the vet for his annual physical and to have his wings/nails clipped. Is there a safe way to pick him up? and if so how? He loves us and will perch on our hands, heads, shoulders, etc.. but getting him into this carrier is always a HUGE fiasco!
Thanks for any advice!

07-11-2011, 03:35 PM
This may be a time for "The Towel". I am personally not a fan of the towel, but if done in the right way, (as quickly as possible) it should work in this instance.
You can grab/ pick up your Lovie and it shouldn't hurt him. He may not like it but it's for a good cause.:) Does he come out of his carrier ok?

07-11-2011, 05:03 PM
Thank you.. yes he will be flying out of his carrier at the Vet's office, but once the wings are clipped he will get out of the carrier just fine. He is very loving and tame.. but does not like to be told what to do.. as I am sure most lovebirds don't!!
I will get a towel ready for tomorrow.... I don't think we'll have a choice!

07-12-2011, 02:52 AM
Another option is to take him and the carrier into a dimly lit room. I have a few daring lovies that will fly when they can't see well but most won't. :)

07-12-2011, 02:52 PM
Oh Linda,
Thank you! Another good idea. My son took his whole regular cage into our tiny bathroom and with the help of the towel trick got him into the carrier.
Our avian vet was able to get him OUT of the carrier by just picking him up-- he squawked a lot... but he didn't bite her. I am just not comfortable picking him up with my bare hands as she did.
He did great through the wing and nail clip and never made a peep.
However, he is now been grooming himself ever since we got home... 6 hours ago.. and is tired and quiet. We always go through this after a wing clip. In a few days.. he won't be mad at me any more!
Thanks for the help!